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zelda iv: link's awakening
walkthroughs - key cavern
As I say in all of these Dungeon walkthroughs, not the screen you're currently in. That is the Main Room as I will refer to it from now on. Grab a jar and toss it at the closed door and go up. In this room, kill the Sworded Stalfos, the bomb-ombs, and the little blobbo. Then grab the small key in the chest that appears. Go up through the right way.
Kill the Blue Blobbos that appear and ignore the chest, it's trapped. Kepp going up, past the jumping Stalfos (plural) to the room with the stairs. Go down the stairs, kill the Blue Blobbos, and go through the right door. Run past the Keese and another Disapearing dude and down the stairs.
Now kill Blue Blobbos and collect the Key that appears. Go up and kill the two Stalfos. Go left and kill the Blobbos dude and left again. Kill the two disapearing dudes with bombs and deal with the Blue Blobbos as a key appears. Collect the key and go up. Kill the Stalfos and then up again. Kill the Bomb-ombs and the Sworded Stalfos. Use the Roc's Feather to grab the bombs. Go up the stairs and down the hallway. Then go up the door in the room with the Blobbo Dude. Make the Bomb Worms swallow the bombs you toss at them, about three bombs each to kill them. When they explode Fairies come out. Now go right.
Move the blocks so you can get to the chest that contains the Pegasus Boots. Use the Boots to crash through the Blue Crystal blockade. Go right and blow up the wall (the arrow tile arrangment points to it) and use the Boots and the Roc's Feather to make it across the chasm. Then go up the stairs, jump another chasm, and get the Boss Key out of the chest. Go back to the room with the arrow on the ground and go up. Kill the three Bomb Ombs and through the door. Get the compass out of the chest and bomb the wall to get into a room wiith three Bomb Ombs, you know what to do. Get the key that appears.
Go back to the main room and go right. Use the sword in conjunction with the Boots to run, sword pointed, directly at the "Pusher". When you run into it and kill it, get the key out of the chest. Now go back to the room with the Bomb Dude and go through that hallway with the Key- Block. Open all the Blocks there and go down the stairs. Now enter the 2D area and use the boots to smash into the angry block. Go to the next screen and use the Feather and Boots to jump to spike chasm and climb up the ladder. Kill the Flower and go down the other ladder.
Kill the Disapearing dudes by Sword Charging them. When they all die, the door opens. Kill the Keese in the next room and get the Small Key. Go through the boss dorr to face The Blob.
The Blob this isn't a very hard boss. The onl;y two weapons you'll need to equip are your sword and Boots. Use the Boots to charge into the wall, knocking the Blob from the ceiling. Now charge into the Blob's eye. When the Blob splits into two, use your sword to hack at them. They'll just to the ceiling, then slam down, stunning you. Avoid the shadows!!! About five hits each should finsih them off. Grab your Heart Piece and go through the door and get the Sea Lily Bell. Now meet up with the Owl and get ready for a trip.