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[Guest Commentary] TML's Zelda Puzzle Challenge ends.
06 Aug 2007 — by kamakaziplumber
A few days ago TML's recent Puzzle Challenge ended with three winners, perhaps a bit sooner than expected. I myself was close to winning, but alas wassat. Anyways, I don't think any of the people who won are from TDC, but if one of you reading this did win, comment!

As for the Puzzle Challenge, it had its ups and downs. I myself enjoyed the main puzzles but found the final puzzle more frustrating than difficult, and a bit too similar in rules to the other, supposedly easier puzzles that were actually less important. TML is looking for feedback so, if you took part and haven't yet, tell him what you thought. It already seems that he's thinking to have another Puzzle Challenge sometime, with plenty of changes and improvements based on feedback and his own experiences.

Will I be there for the next one? Probably. And you should be too! smile

by jackal @ 06 Aug 2007 11:05 am
Oh, quit whining KP, the Final Puzzle wasn't THAT hard. wassat

Yeah, I'm looking forward to the next one. I also figured out I live an hour away from TML laughing
by Jario @ 06 Aug 2007 11:10 am
I hate how it was over so fast, I never even solved one puzzle before it was over!
by Alpha @ 06 Aug 2007 12:26 pm
Actually, I'm gonna have to agree with KP on that final puzzle comment. But all in all, I found the puzzle contest to be quite enjoyable. smile I'll definitely be at next year's.
by Blank @ 06 Aug 2007 08:58 pm
I'll probably be there next year. There's just the problem with me sucking so badly at those puzzles that deters me from that thought wink

All in all, fun. But in the end it only served as a distraction that kept popping up when I was trying to post somewhere tongue
by BaconWarrior @ 09 Aug 2007 04:51 pm
I didnt reallly take part in the challenge, its just that I as well also suck at puzzles. wassat

Ill probably try the next one, but the results will probably be a mix of confusion and failure. sad crying sad crying sad crying angry

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