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[News] April Fools!
02 Apr 2008 — by kamakaziplumber
Alright, so, yes, it was all an April Fools joke. TDC is not LoZ.com, and never has been, except for yesterday, when it was, but that was April Fool's Day, so it wasn't.

It was part of a (kinda) mass April Fools joke between TDC, EDN and LoZ.com, mastermind...ed by the one and only Darth Citrus. We all impersonated each other's sites, in some way shape or form. Darth will have one of his classic write-ups on EDN later I'm sure, but if you want to see the front page from yesterday, just go here. Mind you, that's only the front page - the joke itself spanned most of the content pages, sans the gallery and forums.

By the way, yesterday's update itself was real, so, everything updated still stands. Yes, Ezlo is back, and yes, I did make that Flash game. I even think I'll get a third update in this week! smile So, until then, keep visiting LoZ.com TDC!

by Swiftblade @ 02 Apr 2008 06:37 pm
Yeah huh?
by BaconWarrior @ 03 Apr 2008 04:41 am
Haha...good one, what an absolutly genious prank....Im somewhat impressed. tongue smile

although I admit I fell for it. angry

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