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[News] Valley of the Flood and E3?
13 Jul 2008 — by ZeldaVeteran
The Legend of Zelda: Valley of the Flood- Despite the thick cloud of skepticism around the community, those have been the words on every Zelda gamer’s mind ever since a debatably real interview leaked from 4chan. In this interview, Eiji Aonuma answered a few questions asked by “Kyle” and it concerns the next Zelda title. This is all rumor for now- but the entire interview can be read here.

In a nutshell, Zelda has taken an industrial leap, and is threatened by an impending flood. The protagonist this time around isn’t Link, but rather a boy who believes he’s the reincarnation of the hero told in legends! A twist many gamers might be uncomfortable with. Still, it sounds very different, interesting, and provides a look into what direction Zelda could take. In the interview, (the supposed) Aonuma stated that more about the game would be unveiled at E3.

With E3 rolling around the corner, we won’t have long to wait! E3 begins on Monday, July 14th at 1:00PM. The Schedule is as follows:

 Monday, July 14
Microsoft (last year, bingo card): 10:30 am PT / 1:30 pm ET
Electronic Arts: 3:00 pm PT / 6:00 pm ET
Tuesday, July 15
Nintendo (last year, bingo coming soon): 9:00am PT / 12:00 pm ET
Sony (last year, bingo card): 11:30 am PT / 2:30 pm ET
Ubisoft (last year): 2:30 pm PT / 5:30 pm ET
Capcom: 4:30 pm PT / 7:30 pm ET
Activision's non-E3 event (last year): 7:00 pm PT / 10:00 pm ET
Wednesday, July 16
Texas Governor Rick Perry: 9:15 am PT / 12:15 pm ET
Take-Two: 10:45 am PT / 1:45 pm ET
ESA CEO Mike Gallagher: 1:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm ET
Konami (last year): 2:30 pm PT / 5:30 pm ET

For those of you who don't get G4, you can watch E3 live coverage online at websites like Game Spot, IGN, or Game Trailers.



by Tacheonblack @ 13 Jul 2008 08:28 pm
I'm pumped.

Well, time for my first sarcastic and satiric article.

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