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[News] What's new in HA2
22 Jul 2008 — by jackal

KamakaziPlumber has launched the next part of his storyline. I've talked with him a lot about the dungeons he's going to be implementing, and they've all got incredibly challenging and creative puzzles; definitely a good one for those who like the water temples in the Zelda series. Not to mention that he is quite possibly one of the most humorous writers in HA2, his colorful cast of characters making the topics exciting and entertaining, instead of just getting drunk or bickering.

Alpha, the oldest active member, is still writing his FoG, the oldest active storyline. There's a reason his topics are renowned in HA2, they are definitely worth joining, or just reading if you need something to do. He's past the halfway point in his arc now, and he has some of the highest-quality writing you'll find anywhere. It's still open for people to join, and so far, part nine has been epic.

Orpheous has started a topic about a tragic mass teleportation accident that I know nothing about, but it looks incredibly intriguing...he's known for being clever, so who knows what he's going to do with this mystery?

I myself (Sabertache) have tried to implement some games into the RP to add more variety to what we currently have to offer. They're a quick, easy way to level up and make money, and may possibly have greater prizes if my discussions with the powers that be go well. I'm also running my own storyline, JaR, which has a bit of detective work and puzzles ahead for anyone interested in joining.

Also, with the Grand Tournament which pits all of the adventurers of Hyrule against each other finally coming to a close, two of our members, Kuro and Kin, have decided to start their own tournament of almost the exact same format. Who would want to miss out on the prizes? I mean, really?

RG has started an interesting Quest for HA2's third birthday--everyone is out looking for some kind of seed. Who knows what the rewards will be, or if they'll even find this seed, but it's bound to be interesting, as RG hasn't done something like this in quite a while.

So then, I suppose my next article will be an interview with one of the HA2ers. So, be looking forward to that, I guess.


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