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[Updates] Pretty Big Update
30 Jul 2008 — by kamakaziplumber
Alright, so, I'm back again with an update. Ezlo, unfortunately, is not. Maybe soon. Stupid Minish... 

The point is, we do have the final batch of Caption Game submissions and, good news everyone, I salvaged all the messages I thought were lost! So we have about thirty submissions. And, our winners, I suppose. The winners won't be up right away, since I have to go through all these new ones still, but, look for them later today!

In other news, TDC has a new banner! It's Flash-tastic! See if you can find all the secrets. Oh, and, if you have any problems with the banner (slow loading times, etc.) PLEASE drop me a line. You can email me via the Contact Us page.It's important that you do, for the sake of the other visitors! Plus, I can probably fix it. Anyways, this banner will slowly be inserted throughout the site, but for now it's only on the index page and the Forum page.

Oh, and, a bit of technical news, TDC's Forums have been updated! Now's as good a time as ever to join our little community, here, so do it! You won't be sorry.

Nothing else this week, unfortunately. Stick around for an Ezlo update soon... hopefully. Until then!

EDIT:: Winners are up!

by jackal @ 31 Jul 2008 09:27 am
Since Swiftblade's been slacking off...


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