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[Updates] Update
14 Aug 2008 — by kamakaziplumber
Alright, sorry it's a day late, but... eh, there's not much here today, anyways. Only update today is the Caption Game, which has a few submissions to start it off this week. Ezlo is apparently too busy to send us some answers, so, I guess we'll see what we get next week. Uh...

Well, while I'm here, I might as well plug HA2 a bit. Remember to join if you're into forum RPGs, it's been moving along quite nicely lately. The Tournament will enter its final round this weekend (of which I am a part, woo!), Alpha's FoG series has had its most important post posted recently, the South is ever-closer to opening, etc. There's really a lot going on, so get in on it already! We can always use more RPers!

Ah, well, I suppose that's all for this week. Until next time!

by jackal @ 18 Aug 2008 09:35 am


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