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[News] Coming Soon: E3 and the Next WZMG
28 May 2009 — by Alpha

Hey all, been a while, eh? First things first, apologies about taking so long with the Four Swords article. A number of items, including but not necessarily limited to a lack of free time and a lack of people giving me stuff to work with (I post those topics in the Forums for a reason, ya know >_>), have led to its delay, but I'm hoping to get that written up shortly.

Second things second! Next week marks the return of our favorite video game conference. E3 will be back in force, and I for one am hoping that Nintendo doesn't have a repeat of last year's hardcore disappointment. We can definitely expect some more information on Spirit Tracks, and rumors are flying about a number of other possibilities – several of which include a Wii Zelda game (though I advise you not to get your hopes too high ).

For those who don't know, Nintendo's keynote address will be happening Tuesday June 2nd at 12pm EST, or 9am PST if you're on the west coast. Adjust your schedule accordingly, people – E3 is coming soon. ^_^


by NewLink @ 29 May 2009 05:13 pm
Ha i just posted something in the fourms for WMZG for you I hope it helps!
by Gamefreak @ 02 Jun 2009 10:53 am
I sure was impressed with the Wii Zelda game announced by Shigeru Miyamoto parachuting in...

Nobody else saw that...?

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