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[News] SandCast #3: E3 2011
29 Jun 2011 — by MagmarFire
That's right, folks! After a few months, a new episode is up! Here, we talk about the awesomeness that was Nintendo's E3 conference, as well as some needed Skyward Sword discussion.

So what are you waiting for? GOGOGOGO!

Also, we have another episode recorded, as well, but editing has still yet to be finished. Rest assured, though, it will be completed soon, so get ready for that. In addition to this, we are planning on having the episodes put onto YouTube for better advertising.

What does this mean for you? Maybe you'll find out if you click on [Read More]. ;)

EDIT: I forgot to mention something: As Shika has subtly pointed out in the comments (harhar), there is quite a lot of echo in the beginning, which is my fault entirely. It doesn't last through the whole thing, fortunately--only through the first twenty minutes or so. Don't let this mar your experience!

by jackal @ 30 Jun 2011 07:31 pm
by MagmarFire @ 07 Jul 2011 08:26 pm
Tacheon\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s manliness made up for it.

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