It was storming in the Kokiri Forest, again. It seemed to be either storming or raining more than it used to. Link raised his head up and looked out his window. "Wonder what Saria is doing?"He saw a flash of lightning."I hope everyone is indoors","its really becoming a storm out there." Link closed his window and walked over to his table finished eating his lunch. After picking up his bowls he set them outside so that the rain could wash them. "Now, I think I will go see Saria." He sat up and put on his boots and walked outside. "Man, I wish it would stop raining." He climbed down the ladder and walked the short way to her house."Saria?""Hmmm not here" she must be at the temple. But why would she go to temple when its raining he thought?"Well, if I want to get there while there is still a little bit of light left I had better go." When he came to the entrance to the lost woods he took a breath and went in. "Its much colder in these woods than in the forest." He decided that the best thing to do was to run because it would be warmer in the meadow.
It was strangely dark when he arrived. "This is weird." He walked his way around the paths and came at last to the passageway of stairs. "Saria?" he yelled. "Link is that you?" she responded. "yea its me I'll be right there." He climbed the short flight of stairs and walked over to where Saria was."Why are you not at home? " She looked up at him and then looked down again. " I have been having this strange dream lately."she said. Link didn't tell her but he had been having a strange dream lately also. It would be night he was in some large open field and there was a man and a woman there to but they went Kokiri all of a sudden he was in the woman's arms and they where running and there is fire around them and then nothing. He realized that this would only upset her. "Well, what is it ?" he asked trying to change the subjuct.Well, I am playing my ocarina, and there are these huge dark clouds that start covering the whole forest, then all I can see is fire all around me and this dark man with black armor going to the Deck Trees meadow and a strange little green stone and the Great Deck Tree.............." She trailed off like she was about to cry." What do you think these dreams mean?" he asked. " I don't know but, they scare me."
Saria asked Link to leave her alone and he knew she wasn't being harsh to him sometimes she just wanted to be alone to think. It was still cold and dark beyond what he thought was normal for the forest. He was in one of the corridors and he was lost. The reason he was lost is because he couldn't see what he was doing. he wasn't good at going through the woods at night. "Where are you going Link?" He was startled and spun around to see an owl not just an ordinary one this was a big one. "Are you talking to me?" he said. 'I said Link didn't I ?" The owl remarked. "Well, its not every day I talk to owls." "Link I must tell you something wilts thou listen?" "I guess."
"For the next week you will have a haunting vision in your dreams I am the one creating these dreams but the dreams are not a punishment they are a gift they are to prepare you for what is ahead." "But wh.."Befor Link could finish what he was going to say the massive bird took off into flight but as he was fading from sight Link heard this "Don't tell any one...."
Haunting vision? What was the owl talking about? Link thought to himself."Any way im going to go home its getting late. A few short minutes later Link was siting in his tree house thinking. "What does all of this mean?" "What is goining to happen to me?" Link decided that the best thing to do was to just get some sleep so he crawled into bed and fell asleep.