What’s with all the Bloody Women?!
I have to save Zelda.
I have to save Saria.
I have to save Ruto twice,
Even though I don't want to.
I have to save Impa
(Who's surprisingly good looking for her age).
I have to save Nabooru
(I think she might love me).
I don't have to save Romani and Cremia,
But I have to save their cows.
I have to save Tetra,
Who's really Zelda.
I have to save six girls I don't know.
Now I have to save them again.
I have to save Aryll.
I have to save Din and Nayru,
Oracles of Seasons and Ages.
I sort of have to save Marin.
I have to save Medli.
I have to save Anju
And all the other women in Termina.
What the bloody hell is it with these damn women?!
Why the bloody hell can't they save themselves?!
I'm too bloody busy killing Ganon!
Déjà vu
Hey, there’s a carpenter
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen before.
There’s that kid in a mask
Checking the mail.
Haven’t I seen this before?
I’m sure I have.
What the hell is going on?
Oh, damn it; I forgot.
I set back time
To save this bloody land.