The Miracle of Life
by Topaz


It was a new day.

The birds were chirping their usual songs while squirrels were out gathering nuts. The sun rose high into the air. Kokiri children were busy either playing or finishing the daily chores that were required for their race to survive.

Most of them at least...

"Link, wake up!!" shouted Navi as she pushed against the side of his left dimple over and over to arouse her snoring partner. She quickly fluttered to the other side when the attack of the killer drool began to drip on the side of his mouth.

Link popped his lips like a gigantic Zoran guppy sinking deeper into the sea of sheets on top of him. "*yawn* wake me up when my eyelids have the strength to rise," he said as he placed his gigantic feather pillow over his head.

"Link, c'mon, we don't have to go through this every day..." she said right before he whacked her out of the air. Navi slammed against an old dusty picture book, leaving her imprint on the cover. She clenched her fists and grit her teeth as her eyes wickedly flashed back at him.

"Grrrrrrrr! I HOPE YOU DIE OF ASPHFIXIATION!" she growled as she flew outside.

Link merely snuggled against his warm and toasty marshmallow. A wide grin of victory curled around his devilish face.

Ten minutes past since the incident. A small shady figure hunched at the entrance of Link's door. He giggled wickedly as his spaghetti arms dragged a large bucket. With each tug, the water splashed back and forth onto the wooden deck of Link's floor.

"Hey!" he shouted.

"mmmm, Navi, quit pointing out the obvious... of COURSE I know how to open a door..."

The figure heaved the bucket with all his might onto of Link, causing him to snap forward. A pair of Hanes underwear stuck to the side of his face.

"Hey dork, you forgot your laundry down by the river!" shouted Mido as he peeled the undergarment from Link's other eye.

Link frowned as he tossed his covers to the side. "They were soaking..." he muttered back.

Mido chuckled as he placed his hands on his hips. Link groaned. He knew anytime when Mido did that, it always meant that he was going to be punished.

"Oh Link... Link, Link, Link... what EVER am I going to do with you? Do you NOT understand... we the Kokiri cannot have clothes or buckets laying around... by doing so... you were littering in the VERY water that we drink, cook and bathe in..."


Mido nodded his head. "Indeed! Link... do you want to KILL the Kokiri, just like you KILLED the Deku Tree?"

Link shook his head no as his eyes were fixated on his leader.

"Do you want to KILL this forest and every faerie, skullkid, and creature that resides in it?"

Link shook his head again.

"Well then..." Mido walked out the door and pulled out a gigantic basket of green Kokiri clothing. "For your disastrous deed of attempting to KILL the forest by polluting the forest, and thus placing everything in DIRE TROUBLE...

... I want my laundry to be washed, dried and pressed by Friday. You are to avoid bleach at all costs, due to it giving me hives. My knickerbockers should all be labeled with a black permanent marker in Times New Roman 12pt. Should you fail your punishment, choose not to accept it, or try to cheat and use Fabreeze, I'm afraid I will have to throw you in the SkullKid's Old Tree Stump for a month."

Mido closes his eyes and smiles with pride. He sucks in a nice breath of fresh air before doing an about-face. He strutted back to his house with his hands proudly on his waist.

Link's face turned a dark red as his head drooped down. His body started huffing as Saria and Navi poked their heads through the door.

She walked up to Link and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. She leaned closer and pulled some wet bangs from his eyes. "Link? Are you going to be okay?" she whispered as Navi handed her a blueberry-dyed towel.

Link blew a burst of air through his nostrils like an enflamed bull. "I HATE MIDO! It seems like anything I do, he has an excuse to pick on me or punish me... or dump water filled with my socks while I'm trying to sleep... I just wish he would stop it... errr.... Why does he have to be the Kokiri leader? "

"Well, that was the job that the Great Deku Tree chose for Mido. He is the leader, the Know-it-All Brothers were chosen to be the wise ones... me and most of the Kokiri are followers and you got the job of being the.... outsider." Saria cracked a tiny smile. Link was slightly insulted but took it to good heart.

She walked over towards a drawer and pulled out a clean dry tunic. "You should go out for a walk. Do something to take your mind off Mido. Don't worry about your punishment. I'll go ahead and take care of it." She gave a slow wink to him as she placed the basket on her shoulder.

He needed to step out for a while. Nothing placed him in a better mood than to travel around Hyrule. It was one thing that Mido couldn't do.

"Yeah, that does sound like a good idea. Maybe I can go fishing or something?" he said as his damp feet hit the ground.

Navi flew over to his shoulder and sat on it. "Link what about what Darunia said?"

Link's face twisted in a half goofy, half dumbfounded look. He still had to find the rest of those gem thing-a-ma-jigs and stop whats-his-name.

"Whoa, almost forgot about that. I guess I could try to find it."

Saria began to exit the door. "I guess I'll get going then. Hopefully I'll see you later. Bye Link!"

"Bye, Saria!" Link shouted back.

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