After liberating James the ancient Royal Knight from the spell that kept him in the form of a white lion, Link left the Kokiri Forest, but not before the Deku Tree gave him something vital--not a Key of Sky, Earth or Time, but instead a large piece of lore. "Instead of being cooped up in the Genesis Realm, the N-Force is split up already. Two of the pieces, the Earth-Force and the Time-Force, are scattered somewhere here, except that. . . well, since I know the Earth Force would attract trouble, I shattered it into twenty pieces, and scattered them. However, the Sky Force is still in the Genesis Realm, keeping order and peace through the Realm while preventing discord and evil from entering it. Apparently, these N-Forces are capable of maintaining their powers to keep peace and justice without the need of the other N-Forces, altough their effects are considerably less powerful without the others. The Time Force, however, I do not know of. But once a part of the N-Force is corrupted, there's no reversing it. ".
"Why'd you break the N-Force of Earth? Why'd you send it away? This is another hardship for me to endure--why? "Link shouted. "Well, I explained that. . . possesing a part of the N-Force means giving you power beyond imagination, undying courage, and an endless flow of knowledge. However, without the other two, you will be eventually be driven insane, either slowly or quickly, and turn into a psychotic monster who abuses the power of the N-Force part. Also, it attracts power-hungry men who will hunt you down and do anything for that part of the N-Force. I nearly destroyed the entire forest and decimated a large amount of the Kokiri, but my conscience kicked in and I used up a lot of my energy to shatter my N-Force of Earth, and sent them flying off. ".
Now Link is travelling through the Desert of Death, sweaty and sand-covered. He was panting and exhausted, and his steed, Aelna, was sweating and fatigued. Finally, after twenty more minutes in the Desert Of Death, Aelna's legs buckled beneath her, and she was panting, but being a loyal horse, she dragged on, until finally the chestnut-and-white loyal mare ran out of energy, was fatigued and finally fainted. "Aw, c'mon! "Link shouted, but it was no use--Aelna didn't stir, and Link was forced to drag her off. Finally, he was seen by a purple-clad, katana-armed Gerudo, who charged right at him on a camel. "Oh great, just my day. "Link said sarcastically to himself as the Gerudo kept charging, yelling, "Surrender now! ".
Link was captured in a fishing net, and carried over to the Gerudo Fortress, a massive building of granite only. There, the Gerudo Queen, a green-clad, bactrian camel-riding, lance-and-shield armed, well-trained, masked woman the age of thirty-two said to him, "Fool, how dare you tresspass on my tribe's territory! You shall now engage in our tribe's pre-sacrificial battle. If you suceed, we shall spare your life, just this once. If you lose, you will be tonight's sacrifice to Isis, being cut open and your entrails burned. ". She pointed menacingly at a stone altar before a copper-coated half-woman half-serpent statue.
"Uh. . . okay. . . I guess I'll take this pre-sacrificial battle, then. "Link answered nervously. "Good. Since your blade is of a high quality, you will have the last honor of your life fighting me. No-one has fought me and survived. "the Gerudo Queen said fiercely. "Tomorrow, dawn. Meet me at the Jousting Range. ".
Link spent the entire night in jail. He was given a pot of horrible tasting stew, a glass of water every hour, and occasionally the guard would mock him. 'I wish this day would end, 'he thought before falling into a deep slumber.
The next day, Link was given a breakfast of very hot chicken-and-chilli soup, and a bottle of milk. After that, he muttered, "Great, just great, "as he was forced to get on Aelna and led to the Jousting Range. There, he met with the Gerudo Queen, who wore a complete suit of bronzed armor, and had mounted on her bactrian camel. Lance and shield firmly grasped, Link gulped and prepared for the last battle of his life. He raised his lance, and prepared to charge.
The first charge was very bad for Link. As soon as the Queen's lance hit Link's shield, the impact and force knocked him off his horse, but one of his feet got stuck in a hook, and he was dragged by Aelna, screaming himself hoarse and wiping sand out of his eyes. Luckily, he managed to grasp the reins, and struggled very hard to pull himself back up, coughing up sand and dust as well. When he finally got back on the saddle, he took another lance from a Gerudo assistant, and charged back at the Queen. The second charge resulted almost the same as last time, except this time he managed to hold his balance at the very last second.
As Link's confidence waned, the Queen grinned, "You have one last chance. If you surrender now, you will be kept in our prison for good, but not sacrificed. ". "Never! "Link yelled, his confidence slowly building up again. "You've had your chance, now I shall finish you off right now, right here. "the Gerudo Queen replied scathingly. They charged at each other for the third and final time, but this time, Link won--his lance managed to pierce the Queen's helmet and spear her directly in the eye. The Gerudo Queen screamed as she had been mortally wounded.
The Gerudo rush over to their Queen, and after twelve minutes spent in the Medics Room, a Gerudo nurse yelled, "Oh no! She's dead! That no-good outsider killed her by piercing his eye--the lance seemed to have also reached and penetrated her brain! ". Immediately, the Gerudo tribe--or at least most of them, as about five hid in the Fortress--rushed out, bowed before Link, and the second-in-command said fearfully, "If we give you our dearest treasure, will you leave our tribe of amazons alone? ".
Link considered this for a moment and said, "What've you got now? "in a rather greedy voice. "These, "the Gerudo said, presenting a large, silvery-blue transparent key with the gold words "Sky Key" written on it in fancy handwriting and a little acid-green shard, which was oddly shiny on a small but richly decorated cushion. 'Sweet, I'm gonna get one of those three Magical Keys and a shard of the N-Force of Earth, 'Link thought. "Alright, get annexed by the Royal Family and allow me free entrance to the Fortress any time I want and you've got a deal. ". The Gerudo looked like they seriously doubted this, but hesitantly nodded anyway.
"Thanks for your co-operation, "Link grinned cheesily as he took the Earth Force shard and Sky Key and pocketed them. He left, riding on Aelna, and shouted "Goodbye! "before being out of sight.