The Tanar’ri’s clawed feet dug into the stone as it glided soundlessly over the buildings roof. It’s snake tongue flicking this way and that. The milky eyes moving and swirling with their cloudy liquid in the sockets. It came into a low crouch and stayed silent as the sound of clanking chain mail and armor came around the bend of the look out tower above the wall it was crawling next to.
The smell of Hylian men came rushing into it’s large pointed nose, the unnatural grin going into a quiet snarl. The demon was from a different dimension, one of the nine hells, and had been called upon by a controller that it now seeked for refuge.
The guard stopped at the post and slowly eyed over the edge of the great wall, looking down onto the roof of the great hall of Hyrule castles inner wall.
“ Mabola torok do’n tara, yobu abbit’lefito.” It whispered. Which translated to, “the child is here lord, guide my eyes.” The Hylian had no idea that the Demon was slowly crouching at the bottom of the twenty foot look out post that fed into the roof, it’s infrared seeking orbs locked hungrily onto its target.
When a loud screech of delight the demon sprang from the shadows up the wall, the surprised man gasped at the large dog creature as it snarled and hissed out its tongue.
“ Smiit frola,” it spat in its unearthly voice. The guard’s eyes went wide as he tried to call for help from the unexpected guest. But all that came up his throat where gurgles as the claws and teeth latched onto his body, killing him in seconds.
* * * * *
The three friends walked to the table, with the six sages all lined on either side.
“ Link, I haven’t seen you for years boy!” Raura rose as Link came closer, spreading his arms to give him a great hug.
“ I have missed you Link.” Came a familiar voice, as Impa also came up to embrace him warmly. Link sighed and looked into her exotic red eyes, the trademark of her race.
“ Well, this time I hope to stay in the country longer before running off again!” Link smiled, hugging the old man and Impa and patting their backs.
“ We all hope that that statement is true Link, many have missed you.” There came many nods of agreement from the six on-looking eyes. Raura suddenly started searching around him. “ Now where is this lovely human you brought back from your last journey? I would love to meet her!” Raura smiled.
“ I am she.” Mayoree came up behind Link, smiling with her dark mysterious eyes.
“ Ah, yes madam, my name is Raura, the sage of light and designer of the mystical temple of time, I take it your name is Mayoree?”
Mayoree nodded, giggling and curtsying to him. “ That is right, sir.” She said in an almost timid voice.
“ Well young lady, I am glad you choose to come here, please sit down with us.” Raura guided her to the table, and Link and Sheik followed closely all sitting down together next to Raura.
Sheik sat next to Impa for some reason. Link knew he had a respectful bond with the Sheikah woman and felt more in tune and comfortable around her.
“ Link, you must tell us all of your adventure!” Nabooru demanded, smiling devilishly at him and folding her strong arms under her deeply tanned chin.
“ Yes Link, please!” Saria asked excitedly, clasping her hands together and speaking in her childish, but no less mature voice. The Kokiri where often thought of as forest sprites, or children of the forest, but in fact they where as mature as any other being, and maybe more so.
Link sighed, trying to think back to the time when it all started.
* * * * *
The demon licked it’s teeth rimmed lips of the blood of it’s kill, leaping from the dead Hylian and onto the wall of the tower to get a better look at the great hall’s ball room where all the Hylians sat conversing loudly, not having the slightest idea of what was going to happen.
“ You are late, Prifregita.” Came another Tanar’ri growl from behind the perched monster. The lesser demon spun on its clawed heels.
“ I am sorry for being late master, I merely wanted a meal before meeting you here.” The Tanar’ri bowed, looking on into the shadowy voice located from the darkest of the tower’s darkest side.
Although Prifregita was a strong monster, it compared as one of the weakest of it’s species, an insignificant pawn in the deepest chambers of the darkest gates of the dark realm.
“ Is the plan in motion?” Asked the deep, almost inaudible voice, almost impossible to translate, even by the lesser demon.
“ Yes my lord…” Said Prifregita, his great muscle bound arms rimmed with claws scraping against the rocky tower in delight. “ The child is here.”
* * * * *
Zelda was somewhat nervous about the party, with the suspicious weather and reports of goblin creatures wondering the streets at night, Zelda wasn’t feeling at her best at that moment in time. The queen rose in the uncomfortable robes and dress, taking a deep breath as she watched her people mill about, the different meals and courses where starting to come upstairs from the kitchen, animals and fish of far away lands that had been traded to Hyrules country by merchants and such people with many connections.
Even a cockatrice, a rare bird that had magical powers of petrifaction, and a long dragons tail and wings was slowly whisked into the room by many serving wenches and cooks and put down onto the middle most table. It was over ten feet in length, a good catch and size of the rare beast. The smell of food brought the queens current feeling of regret and worries into a state of calm. Tonight was a night of celebration, not to be worried by anything else, just to have fun.
She could spot all the sages, Link, Sheik, and Mayoree sitting at one of the far tables, and decided to make her way their with all of her dearest friends. Tonight was a celebration, not a time for worries. Zelda spoke in her mind, and continued on her way.
“ My lady Zelda!” Impa stood up immediately as she saw Zelda making her way steadily to the table. Zelda broke into a run and came up to her old nurse maid with open arms.
“ It is good to see you again Impa, I’m sorry for keeping you away so long.” Zelda sighed, looking over her old friends that had been kept away in the sacred realm for almost a year or so. Hyrule was in busy times right now with all the new declarations and Ganondorfs death sent a wave of great relief and confusion to many of her people which still hadn’t been recovered from.
“ Please my lady, you must sit with us, Link was just telling to details of his adventure into the past!” Impa remarked and Zelda sat down, letting out a deep breath, Link noticed the woman seem to act like her old self again for a moment, smiling and in high spirits. It let the man know that under all the pressures of her rule, Zelda was still the giggling little girl he knew in his youth deep inside her newly developed harder outer shell.
“ Please continue Link, pay no mind to me!” Zelda said, putting her hands together and leaning on the table, for once being so unqueen-like in attitude and posture, Link smiled, tonight she was really going to break out into her old self.
“ As I way saying, as I woke up in the lair of this huge cavern, I was surrounded by walls of ice cones and golden coins, trinkets. I wasn’t sure where I was, then came the Dragon, a beautiful beast of silver colors and deep golden eyes.”
“ Wathokith was the guardian of the forest at that point in time.” Mayoree added in happily.
“ Yes, that was his name, I swear that I’ve never met such an intelligent animal, and he was kind and gentle, not at all like I would have expected a dragon to be.” Link paused trying to remember the days after that where he remembered sneaking into the castles inner walls and spying on the king. “ And only a day after that, I remember…” Link searched, leaning back on the bench, Mayoree smiled.
“ You told me that you where planning to enter the castle and spy on Lithoen…” Mayoree cocked her head, also trying to think back to that point, but still Links usually sharp memory seemed to be slipping a little. He knew it was probably from his workings of time travel, which was a very dangerous thing to do to your mind and body, in degraded his mind a little, and had seemed to slow down his process of aging in the last few years, he still seemed to resemble a youthful nineteen year old.
“ Yes…but I can’t seem to remember what happened after that…I’ll tell you all the rest tomorrow!” Link smiled, and their came almost agonizing groans and sighs, with many people rolling their eyes. “ My memory is a little stuffed up right now…I just need a good nights sleep that’s all!” Link tried to explain, but many of the sages, especially Ruto grunted in disbelief.
Mayoree chuckled and leaned closer to Link. “ Your so odd.” She said quietly as the sages all went back to talking amongst each other as the courses of food finally made it to the table, the Autumn harvest had begun.
The sound of many people hurrahing in approvement as the dishes where served one after another, first came the meat, so many different kinds and varieties that many people where having a hard time choosing any! Many rare beasts, like tail of a Wyvern, (a small dragon with two legs) or the wings of a griffin, witch where bred and farmed over land where also shipped to Hyrule for the wondrous celebration feast.
The food went on for at least two hours, well into the hour of eleven. Then the food was taken away and the lesser servants and wenches cleared away the tables from the room, making room for the vast ballroom to be prepared for the annual ball in honor of the goddess of power.
The ladies and the gentlemen left for a short time to become dressed and ready for the dance as the musicians tuned and tested their instruments.
The room changed, the tables where taken away, all except two, which where left to store drinks and appetizers for the party guests. Link walked next to sheik as they entered. Also, their seemed to be a huge unlit fire heath in the middle of the room, Link wondered what it was for. But every year the council thought of something different for the celebration, this year, he was truly excited, maybe they would have an entertainer, or a jester that told strange jokes, but still the hero of time wasn’t sure.
“ Zelda has told me, that she has found an illusive treat for the festival. I suppose it might have something to do with that.” Sheik commented as they walked towards the table where everyone was moving to since the others had been taken away.
Link nodded, and looked up to the thrown, where Zelda was now taking her seat again, she was going to make the speech that would announce the type of entertainment the party was to offer tonight.
“ Link?” Came an almost stunned voice, Link saw Mayoree split through the crowd towards him, her long blue dress and shinning, curled, dark auburn tresses flowing out behind her. “ is that you under their?” She smiled, laughing heartily.
“ Yes.” Link answered. Sheik continued on his way, not minding to pair a bit.
“ You look different, but no less handsome then usual, i’m not sure why.” She said slyly, winking at him.
Link blushed, and cleared his throat uncomfortably, he wasn’t use to being talked to this way, but he expected it from how miraculous he looked in the flashy ivory and ocean blue suit. “ May, please, i didn’t do anything to my cloths.” Link whispered, his statement going serious.
“ Bah, I know you don’t like me saying that, come on Link, I think the second part is about to begin.” Mayoree said excitedly grabbing his arm, and forcefully dragging him back to the table to sit, almost wrenching his arm out of the socket in the process.
“ My good subjects, people of Hyrule.” Zelda started with her strong, clear voice. “ I am glade to have all of you here tonight, for this wondrous evening of good food and our annual ball. I’m sure that you are all anxious to get on with the event, so I must introduce our entertainment quickly.” She stopped for a dramatic look about the starring crowd of brilliant colors and beautiful suits and dresses littering the room. “ My messengers has search far for an entertainer great enough to come here today, so now, without farther delay…I present, the marvelous magician, Daltan Trow the mysterious!”
Before anyone could render a cheer a brilliant flash and swirl of banging noises from the middle of the room caught everyone’s attention. A huge green flame roared out of the heath and into the room, soaring and licking the thirty foot ceiling with it’s flares. Out came a large bipedal animal, soaring threw the sky and landing next to the heath, standing almost ten feet tall. With the head of a bull and the body of a man the beast looked around with it’s fierce yellow eyes and reddish brown skin glowing in the green light.
Everyone in the rooms eyes widened as the huge beast bowed suddenly, then cheers arose so loud, many had to plug their ears with their index fingers. Then another flash of light, this time sparks rained down from the fire, which roared higher, turning blood red and another form flew out of the flames, and unharmed landed feet down onto the ground next to the minnotar.
The man was young, with black hair tied neatly back into a pony tail and a small goatee. His eyes where a brilliant, but no less mysterious green. He wore black robes and appeared to have a long, red wand in his right hand, but it was hard to tell from the brilliance of the fires flare.
The magician bowed as well, taking a long sweeping step backwards like his minnotar assistant. Cheers arose once again, the people had never seen anything this spectacular before for a celebration performance.
Out came the mages wand, twirling in his slender hand about in the air slowly. He raised his other hand sharply into the air, and a great bang of fire and sparks showered down from the tip of the wand, radiating up to the ceiling. The mage spun the wand about as it was still ignited with the enchanted flame.
“ He’s good at this.” Mayoree giggled in excitement into Links pointed Hylian ear. Link nodded, still watching him intently, Link was feeling that weird, sixth sense of his come in, telling his gut that something was happening that wasn’t setting right. Link glanced at Sheik a couple of seats away, he had the same, suppressed frown of confusion, looking nervous. Link ignored it and tried to focus on what was going on now.
The minnotar, now crouched next to the twirling show of fire and dazzling light, leaped into the sir, and mage made a sharp turn and flick of the red wand and out came a large beast. Everyone in the room almost fell over in fear. A large dragon, a fiery purple colored beast began to shoot from the wand stretching it’s wings and seeping from it’s tip like a veil of smoke, giving a great roar as it spread it’s mighty wings to a full twenty feet
( small for a dragon ). The minnotar landed perfectly on its back, nuzzled between the beasts shoulder blades as it glided about the room, scattering magical balls of energy to the ground with it’s deep violet wings.
The people clapped in awe. “ HOVA TOQU!!” the mage shouted at the beast, and it came twirling back to him, the dragon gliding like a phantom on water over the room. It opened it’s great mouth and out came a bolt of blue lightning, going directly to the mages wand, the dragon twirling into the great halls large, doomed roof with the minnotar waving with one hand on it’s spike ridged back.
The dragon suddenly did a full barrel roll and came around, opening it’s reptilian mouth, and…krackoomm…out came another bolt of lightning, and fierce dragon let out another roar as it sped faster, threatening the minnotar to be slammed into the floor as it twirled towards the mage.
The room went silent, and beast issued one last roar as the mage shouted another phrase, and with a great explosion, the magical being separated into tiny balls of light that began skipping about the room, the minnotar went flying, but landed right next to the mage, unharmed. The bull faced animal had a smug expressed on as it fell into a sweeping bow next to the young magician, then, as suddenly as they had arrived, with a puff of smoke and fire and twirl of a wand , the two disappeared into the heath.
The room exploded in cheers, Link couldn’t help but smile at the wonderful performance, that young man truly was very talented fire jumper as those mages where called.
And so the entertainment left as soon as it appeared, but the people of Hyrule where happy non the less, and it was getting late, but not many left as the dance was about to take place in the hall.
Link sat down for a little while as the people milled about, sipping his red wine, which tasted better now that he was in a better mood. Mayoree stood up in front of him, looking very mischievous. Her smile went almost to her ears as she leaned towards him, inches from his face. “ well…” she said, narrowed her dark, beautiful eyes. Link looked around, the rim of his wine glass was still pressed to his lip in surprise.
“ well what?” Link asked, seeming confused. Mayoree leaned closer to him.
“ Aren’t you going to ask me to dance with you?” Mayoree said in a snappy, almost cocky voice.
“ uh…yes, later.” Link dismissed it, Mayoree was a strange character all right, and Link hadn’t really known the woman for long, only a few months, most of that time spent here. When Link had first meet her in was something that Link had never believed he could have such a strange and yet friendly connection to her, and still, Link wasn’t sure what he felt towards her now, she had never really revealed much about her past, accept her parents being hung for sport and entertainment by the captain of the guard at her land when she was only a small girl. Link realized he didn’t really know that much about her, and he wasn’t sure even if their was anything that really had drawn him to her in the last few months.
Mayoree cocked her head as Link sat their, seeming spaced out and thinking as usual, her smile reached the corner of her mouth and she shook her head as Link finally took the rim of the almost empty wine glass from his lip. “ You’re a strange one Link j Calmara.” Mayoree sighed, and then began to walk away. Link suddenly stood up.
“ Hey, where are you going?”
“ Well if you won’t dance I’ll find another available Hylian who will!” Mayoree shouted, her smile still widening at links dumbfounded statement. Link sighed and sat back down again, he didn’t get women, what they thought or why they act the strange and mysterious way they do, but Link figured that no man could really figure that question out, it would be like asking what the meaning of life is in a nut shell!
“ She is a strong willed girl.” Came Sheik voice as he walked over to Link from his spot not so far away, Link figured Sheik had been watching that strange little scene.
“ Yes, I love that and hate that about her.” Link sighed, shaking his head slowly as she hopped off, the elegant bounce in her step showed her strong sense of confidence.
Sheik shrugged. “ I understand Link.” He sat down, sighing and folding his arms across his chest. “ I’ve never seen a human as lively as her either, but, also, I do not see many humans period.”
“ I heard that their slowly populating over Hylians and other races, maybe even in the future we will be thought of as the inferiors, or the strange beings in the world.”
Sheik nodded strongly, keeping an intense eye on Mayoree, Link wasn’t sure what he was thinking then, if that was a glare of respect, or a glare of dislike, but either way, Sheik wouldn’t do anything rash about it to upset Link or anyone else by that matter. Link stood up and began to walk away from the Sheikah, tonight was a good night Link knew, and he was going to try to make the best of it.
* * * * *
The guard, dressed in chain mail and plated armor sat atop on Hyrule castles tallest of the four large stone towers, peeking out over the side of the fifty foot tower to the domed great hall down below his feet, tonight was cold, almost like the winter snow had already come, rain trickled down the stones and into the gutters to be shafted into the trenches and wells in the castle court yards and kitchens in the lower levels.
The Guard shivered viably in the cold, his armor absorbing it like a sponge. He knew if it was light out, and those clouds had been cleared by now, he could see his breath. But he had to stand at his post, his duty to his queen was more important.
The Guard suddenly spun on his heals as he heard a low growl emanate from just a few feet behind him, the large, glowing red eyes widened as the demon gave a screech as it sprang from the other side of the tower. sword blades sliced into his armor and flesh. The guard didn’t even have time to scream out for help before his throat was ripped out by rows of vicious teeth.
* * * * *
The sound of the violin music, mixed into a beat was good to Links ears as he wondered around the crowd of people, looking for Zelda, or someone else to talk with in the time being. Mayoree was somewhere on the dance floor for certain, and that didn’t bother Link any, she can do what she likes this evening.
Link spotted Zelda coming towards him, he smiled at her, but that quickly diminished at the worried look in her eyes. “Link!” Zelda said as she rushed towards him.
“ What’s wrong Zelda?” Link asked, her statement was intensely panicked, she chewed on her lip and tried to calm herself.
“ Theirs been a report, two guards have been found dead around the castles outside walls.” Zelda began. Links eyes widened in shock, he leaned closer, because her voice was at a whisper now.
“ dead?”
“ Yes, both of them had their throats ripped out by an animal with huge long teeth, the rest of the guards are getting nervous.” Zelda looked around her, she suddenly felt like she was being watched, Link put a strong hand on her shoulder, and her gaze came back to him.
“ Zelda, you have to cancel the party, the peoples safety is at risk.” Link said, his voice determined and serious. Zelda shook her head in disagreement.
“ Link, I’ve already canceled a council meeting over a mild threat earlier today, I’m not going to cancel this kind of celebration now, the council won’t like it.”
“ Does the council care about the peoples safety, or a party?” Link asked, his voice very sharp and harsh, Zelda looked into his narrowed eyes and shrugged off the strong hand.
“ Your right Link…the people do come first.” Zelda sighed, and began to whisk away back up to the front of the room, onto the leveled balcony over seeing the crowd. She cleared her throat nervously and rose her hand up to silence the room, the people gradually quieted and looked up to their queen. “ I am sorry to inform you, but their has been an accident and the party tonight has been cut short, I ask that you all return to your guest rooms or houses if you live nearby, I warn all of you to please lock your doors at least.” Zelda said in her clear voice. Murmurs arose as the people looked around each other, some where skeptical, while others looked absolutely nervous about the sudden announcement.
“ My queen, what kind of accident, why do we need to be sent home?” Came a male voice from the front line of people in the room.
“ I’m afraid that I cannot tell you at this time…” the mumbles turned into loud conversations, almost overthrowing Zelda strong voice. “ Please, I only ask that you return to your rooms for the night, the information cannot be released at this time!” Zelda shouted over the people, and the hall gradually began to empty.
Zelda was soon met with the six sages, Link, Mayoree and Sheik all crowding around her as she took her uncomfortable seat at the thrown. “ Ugh.” Zelda groaned, rubbing her temple with her right hand.
“ My queen, are you all right?” Impa asked as her and Sheik rushed over to help the queen, and find out what was going on.
“ Two men have been killed tonight…I don’t want anymore meeting until this tragedy can be solved.” Zelda sighed, trying to keep her voice from swaggering too much in her paranoid state.
“ I agree.” Sheik intervened before anyone could get a word out, Impa also stood by him on this, the her ruby colored eyes looking softly into Zelda’s.
“ It is okay my queen, do not fear for your people, fear can kill the mind and body.”
“ Right, all of you get some good rest tonight.” Everyone turned to leave except Sheik, he still stood with his arms folded, looking at Zelda strangely. “ Sheik?” She asked, noticing him right away.
“ It is an odd question, but may I see the bodies of the two that where killed?”
“ Sheik, it’s past midnight…”
“ Zelda, please…I just have a feeling. If I can only see the wounds, I remind you that I was taught about many injuries and flesh wounds in Ca’mbella with my tribe.”
“ If you wish to Sheik.” Zelda sighed, and stood up quickly, Link noticed her walk past, and Sheik follow, he was suddenly curious.
“ Hey…where are you going?” Link asked.
“ I believe I can identify the wounds the two dead guards sustained, you can come along if you wish to.” Sheik answered, barely even looking at Link as he walked out of the room. Link looked curiously towards Mayoree, and she nodded in approval. And so the four, slightly nervous comrades left the room quickly, everyone of them had a feeling that this was only the beginning of something much worse to come.