The crowd left the main hall slowly making way up the stairs to the tower roof, Zelda was met by a coupld of gaurds hurrying down the spiral stairs that led up to the turets.
“ Yes, here it is.” Zelda opened the latch and hesitated to go out onto the roof. Sheik nodded and went outside quickly into the rain, followed by Link and Mayoree.
“ Oh god.” Mayoree whimpered under her breath, gasping from the grotesque site of the mutilated bodies. She turned her head away almost immediately, putting her hands over her fair profile.
The first one had it’s right arm ripped off, and a huge hole threw it’s stomach, where it’s guts where spilled over the floor of the tower and the body fluids drying on the roof. While the second one was even worse, it’s face was slashed into by three huge claw marks, and the right side of the skull was torn of flesh, and the bone was cracked into the brain. While the lower part of the torso wasn’t even their anymore. Link tried to comfort Mayoree a little as she rocked back a forth on her heels a little bit, putting an arm around her shoulders.
Sheik winced at the rotting smell of the two carcasses, but he knelled down to take a closer look at the first victim. Taking a piece of cloth from his mask and folding it over his hand so he could touch the flesh of it without getting infection or disease. Sheik traced his index finger down one of the claw wounds in the torn out hole where the stomach was. Cocking his head and narrowing his eyes and Zelda finally came out into the balcony of the turret, taking in a deep breath as she forced herself to look at the unrecognizable corpses.
“ Sheik…don’t touch it, “ Zelda warned, but her voice came out as more of an uneven whimper rather then an order.
“ Please my queen, I need silence, I cannot concentrate without it.” Sheik asked, his voice not swaggering at all. He lofted the rag with the bloody claw print into the air, hovering it over the torch and examining it.
“ Sheik, a claw print?” Link guessed, trying to figure out what exactly he was doing.
“ Yes Link…please, silence.” Sheik asked calmly, the roof turned silent again, only the sound of the soft dribbling rain was heard.
Sheik stood up and walked over to the second one, pressed the other half of the long rag on another claw wound from the other victim, and again ran his index finger carefully down the wound, collecting the blood and imprinting the claw. He held it up again, examining it carefully, Link noticed that this one was a little bigger then the other blood print.
“ I am done…” Sheik said, his voice slumping into a sigh.
“ What is it, do you know?” Zelda asked eagerly, trying to hold back her frustration about the attack.
“ Yes, I believe so…” Sheiks voice turned hesitant, he looked at Link suddenly and held up the claw prints. “ My cousin, you have had encounters with demons?” Sheik asked, his voice emotionless like his eyes. Link nodded, looking at the two prints closely.
“ I believe a type of demon has caused these wounds…but I’ve heard that there are many different kinds, I only fear for the worst if…” Sheiks words trailed off as he looked at the piece of bloody cloth closely. “ I will talk with Impa in the morning,” Sheik regained his strong voice again, whipping his head up and looking to the door.
“ Let us be off, the night is long, and we must all rest…” Link was taken back by the sureness in his voice, he walked to the door strangely, seeming off guard the whole time. But no one said anything further, it was late, and everyone was too tired to ask questions.
Zelda sat nervously at her table, she wasn’t sure what the council was going to think of this, her blood was starting to become hot and flustered as the six sages, along with Link and Mayoree entered the room and sat down. The other council members that where actually in the vicinity had already been sitting with the nerve ended queen for quite some time.
“ Well queen Zelda?” Asked one of the Goron representatives that had already sat down. Fiercely glaring at the queen as if asking to get on with it.
Zelda chewed on her lip and shot a glance at the Sheikah standing patiently by her chair. Sheik had his hands clasped loosely behind his back. He looked at her with his ruby eyes and nodded for her to start.
“ I’ve asked all of you here because I fret for the peoples safety, I’m sure you all know by now that about the two guards that where murdered last night.” Zelda was set back by many gasps from the other four race representatives. The Zora spokesmen stood up, outraged.
“ Killed, by what?” He demanded, making the table shake by slamming his blue scaly hands down on it. Zelda chewed on her lip again, trying to think of the right words.
“ Demons, we think.” Link interrupted the fiery Zora man before he could yell at Zelda anymore then he usually did at these meetings.
“ Demons? Your letting demons run around the streets now Zelda, why can’t your…”
Link suddenly rose up again, annoyed.
“ We just learned about them yesterday, now would you please sit down!” Link shouted loudly, making the Zora twitch then slowly took orders and sat back down in his chair.
Zelda took a deep breath as the room silenced again. She never liked calling meeting this early in the morning, especially when no one in the room had gotten over three hours of sleep the night before, and was even more chaotic then usual. “ what we need now is to find out why there here and what they’re after.” Zelda started, clearing her throat.
“ Zelda…” Impa said softly, directing all attention towards her. “ I know of many demons, might I make a suggestion?” She asked politely. Zelda nodded, relieved that someone else could talk for her. “ My mother pasted on a book to me that had information on my ancestors many encounters with demons and other beasts. I think that Sheik might know of it to.” She turned her gaze to Sheik, who cocked his head.
“ You have the ancestors writings?” He asked, blond hair falling to one side of his face as he leaned forward, interested.
“ Yes…I think I can find it for all of you, if Sheik and Link would come with me please.” The silver haired sage stood up.
“ Excuse me Impa, but why can’t we all go with you, it is all of our business to see this.” Interrupted the Zora again.
“ Because I believe that these two would understand it more, they have been threw more battles and experiences then any of you can count in the short time both have been here with us.” Impa replied, and bowed to the very dumbfounded looking fish man, who was probably expecting a verbal battle instead of a polite answer.
The door was shut as Link and Sheik stepped quietly outside of the room. Link noticed Sheiks eyes where upon him instantly as Impa turned to regard the two.
“ You have encountered demons as well?” Sheik asked abruptly.
“ Yes…a couple kinds.” Link answered. The Sheikah nodded, frowning in a serious attitude he looked back to Impa.
“ You have the claw prints?” Impa asked. Sheik nodded to her, reaching into his knee high black boots and pulling the piece of blood stained prints and gave it to the sage of shadow. “ We will go to the library and search for the information of this demon, I believe we will find the one class of it’s kind.” Impa turned and headed down the hall, as well and Sheik. Thoughts where racing threw Links mind at that quiet eerie moment as he followed behind.
Link looked to the windows as they neared the library, so many things happening in the last few day’s Link sighed.
“ I’ve found it!” Came Sheiks voice, which roused Link and brought him to the table near the window as Sheik flopped down and old dusty book.
Link looked over as Impa was rushing over to the table as well. Sheik beckoned to her and her steps became faster.
“ Yes, yes this is the ancient writing…” Impa focused, drawing her fingers over the frail book pages and over the runes that where written down the page. Link gazed over Sheiks shoulder.
“ How can you tell?” Link asked. not making sense out of the runes, or comparing them to any modern or older Hylian writing codes. Link had seen and learned many strange rune formats in his adventures, but never had he seen anything like this, the runes where drawn like lapping water, each letter connecting with the one next to it, making them hard to tell apart.
“ These are the writings of the ancient ones of yourself and my own heritage that has been pasted down for centuries.” Sheik said with excitement, looking to Link, who smiled at the thought, he almost forgot he was part Sheikah.
“ Well…what does it say?” Link asked again looking closer, Sheik looked at the page, squinting his outlandish eyes.
“ We can translate the writings, but it will take time, first we have to find the descriptions on our legends, these are shadow letters if you where both wondering.” Impa answered, flipping the pages careful as dust and pieces of thin paper broke off each time.
Sheik watched intensely, then stopped her hand at a page in the middle of the book where their where pictures and old foot prints.
“ I can’t believe they would document demons.” Link piped in as Sheik quickly took the blood stained prints in his right hand.
“ They thought it to be useful for such situations as these…our people documented much in these last centuries, because we are all dying out, the old ones thought that our knowledge would live longer in these books.” Sheik answered, flipping the page carefully to the next. Link grimaced at the picture of this one, it had huge, evil looking horns and two long tails that curved about it’s body. Sheik flipped it again, the next one looked much like a goblin, spines running down the back of it’s scaly, muscle bound frame, with huge oval eyes, it resembled a large dog with three claws on each hand, and a long, lizards tail. “ this one…” Sheik said, pointing very surely to the dog-like one.
“ How can you tell Sheik?” Impa asked.
“ The angle and ripping action of the claws match the blood line and flesh wounds we saw yesterday, this is the demon, I am sure.” Sheik confirmed, again tapping the picture and taking a deep breath.
“ Does it have a name?” Link asked.
“ Yes, they are called Gatarinqi, a form of Tanar’ri…I feared that we would found this one as our murderer…”
“ Are they evil?” Link asked, unsure as he examined the picture closely.
“ The Tanar’ri are the largest and most feared demons my people who of, but this one is a lesser demon, one of a lesser power and strength then most, they may just be pawns for something bigger.” Sheik’s eyes turned to have an intense fire as he turned the page, and their stood the hooded figure of a Garo. He suddenly shut the book and looked to Impa. “ Zelda should be weary, this could become much worse, I will leave now, I have duties to attend to…”
“ Sheik, wait…aren’t you going to help with translating the runes?” Impa asked as the Sheikah paused from opening the door.
“ I will later today but I must rest now, you two may go if you wish though, I will need no help.” Sheiks voice was low, it sounded like he had said that threw gritted teeth, and his voice was strangely wavering.
The Garo picture confirmed it for Link, something more had happened on that night a couple days ago then sheik was willing the admit, and Link knew it, narrow lines where brewing between the two close friends.
“ He’s troubled latey Link, I wish I had the old technique to read minds like Sheik.” Impa sighed, crossing her arms. “ we should take his advice Link though and leave him be.” Impa turned her kind eyes towards Link, smiling. “ The mess hall will be serving dinner in half an hour, do you care to join me?” Impa asked, her voice in high spirits again.
Link nodded vaguely, and walked from the room just as quickly as he had appeared.
The night came quicker and darker, and the sun setting to the western sky, once again bathed the clouds a pink color to start the night. The hero of time was watching from the library window, winter was only a week away from the cloud cover, and the nights where becoming longer, and the day’s colder in Hyrule.
Link was wondering what he should do now that he was off duty, should he go for a horse ride? No it’s to dark…eat something, but he wasn’t hungry. Maybe see where sheik was a remind him to be back at the library in an hour! Link hated when he would think of so many idea’s and the dullest one would turn out to be the one he was going to do, but Link figured the Sheik was probably on his way back anyway.
Link strolled to his usual spot, it was outside of the inner castle, on one of the eastern most balconies where Sheik seemed to like watching the sun rise every morning he was up to it.
Link walked around the drafty corner and looked down the tapestry hung walls, but then, he heard music. It was pleasant music, almost humming as Link got closer and listened. It was harp music, Link peeped around the corner, and saw the flakes of snow already beginning the fall onto the bare granite stone roof.
Link smiled, Sheik was playing his harp. Link hadn’t heard him play the instrument for years. But his smile diminished, Link remembered why he usually played his harp, it was a form of _expression for him, Link remembered that he played it only when he was saddened or confused.
Link hesitated as he looked at sheik closer, his eyes where closed and his face was unemotional, his sash that he used as a mask was laying next to him.
“ Sheik…” Link said quietly, walking into the door frame. Sheik opened his eyes, not even seeming to be taken off guard.
“ I could hear you walking down the hall…” Sheik answered, and quietly lay his miniature gold harp onto the railing. He didn’t say anything else as Link walked out into the cold air.
“ You still played even though you heard me?” Link asked, but Sheik didn’t issue a answer, he looked forward and breathed in, closing his exotic eyes for a moment and then letting the breath out threw his mouth.
“ The air in pleasant tonight…but, I sense something more about it, I still feel a presents about us, like at the festival…” Sheik sighed as he breathed out slowly.
Link took in a deep breath as well, it swelled his lungs with cool thin air and he breathed out as well, neither one said anything for those couple of seconds.
“ I fear…” Sheik began, lowering his head. “ I fear that the presents is even greater then I predict it will be…”
“ You think something’s going to happen as well?” Link asked.
Sheik nodded slightly. “ Yes…I have a feeling it will happen in the next hour, my senses are catching up with my body, and that only happens if something horrible is about to happen.” Sheik looked over at Link. “ Do you not feel it as well as I…or…or am I alone…” Sheik’s voice trailed off after that.
Link shook his head, he wasn’t fully sure of what sheik was mumbling about, but something strange showed in his eyes, something even more painful then his healing ribs.
“ Then…then I am alone again…” Sheiks voice was barely more then a whisper.
“ Again?” Link asked, cocking his head. He wasn’t alone, Link was sitting right next to him.
“ You want to know what that Garo was, don’t you?” Sheik said matter of factly.
Link didn’t answer, of course he did, he cared for his cousins safety. Sheik turned his eyes over to Link, who was surprised at him, he looked sad, Sheik never looked sad!
“ there is much you don’t know abut me cousin, did you know that i was trained to kill as a child?” Sheik asked, he straightened his _expression to it’s emotionless state it was like before. Link shook his head slowly.
“ My master had two pupils, myself and a young boy named Blazeraven many years ago when i was about thirteen. We both where good friends, Blazeraven was as skilled as myself, and my master always leaned in his favor, i was always a step behind him.”
Sheik paused, taking in a breath. “ He was trained to kill, and he did...” Sheik said grimly. Link frowned.
“ What do you mean?”
“ I mean that he was so caught up in killing, he bcame an assasin for a gerudo bandit party, they killed him though, but he came back as a Garo to pay his revenge on me...”
“ Revenge, for what?” link asked.
“ for not following his path, he wanted me to come with him to travel the world, but his greedy temper got him into more then he bargained for and he came back as a garo, a Demon bended by a dark force, he killed everyone while i was away to Ca’mbella...” Sheik gritted his teeth, trying to keep his face straight.
“ But i thought you where raised by your tribe?” Link commented.
“ No, that was one that found me in the desert a week later, almost dead and lost.” He puased agian and looked at Link. “ I had a brother.” Sheik mentioned. Link gasped at that notion, another relative, but then the reality hit him.
“ He was killed also?” Link didn’t need sheik to answer to figure out that that was true.
But suddenly a scream of terror echoed down to the hallway, both men swerved around, eyes wide. That was the queen screaming! Sheik bounded from the rail, both relatives stomachs had been turned over by the shrill sound of the cry.
“ I should not have left Zelda unguarded!” Sheik shouted as they rounded a corner with a couple guards who had heard the cry as well. Link was running as fast as he could, almost slipping as he rounded another one.
“ The queen!!” Came a voice from a guard as many people where now huddling around her double door bedroom. One of them was desperately trying to knock the door down as the cry came again, louder.
“ Stand away from the door!” Sheik shouted, his voice as fierce as an enraged Dodongo. Link pushed his way threw the starring crowd, the scream came again as Sheik finally reached the door and a circle of starring eyes and loud talking finally quieted as sheik rammed the door with his shoulder, cracking it under his speed. He pressed in slightly with one hand, the room was silent now as Link stood close by, watching as Sheik hit it again, again it cracked loudly, the Sheikah yelled a battle cry and shot a powerful jump kick at the door, the demolished as pieces of wood and dust broke apart. And Sheik was soon racing up stairs, Link followed him quickly.
“ Stay here everyone…” Link shouted back down as the two sprinted up the same staircase and into the bedroom. Link stopped as well, his breath was stolen away by the condition of the room. Tapestries and paintings where torn and ripped from the walls, the bed sheets where thrown about the room, and the glass windows, all three where broken, the glass strewn about the room. Sheik cautiously walked forward.
“ Zelda?” He asked, but no answer, it was the most painful and terrifying silence Link could remember, it seemed to stretch on for hours as the two distant relatives locked eyes. “ Zelda…my queen answer me!” Sheik yelled again, breaking the stare, but again no answer. Sheik bent over and took a bent piece of metal. that use to be the crown of Hyrule in his hand. Then he took in a couple deep breaths, turning back to Link.
“ She’s gone…” Sheiks eyes turned dull.
Link looked about desperately, his mind was becoming panicked. Soon the crowd of people came up the stairs, murmurs and gasps erupted behind as many guards and castle folk where just trying to get a good straight look at the room.
the sages rushed up into the room, Impa first of all rushed towards Link and grabbed his by the shoulders and violently spun him to look her in the eye.
“ Where is she? Where’s Zelda?” Impa demanded. Link frowned and shook his head. The silvery haired women looked to Sheik, as well as the other sages. Her glossy eyes caught the light.
“ Well lad?” Darunia pressed on at Sheik who hesitated, the huge Goron stepped forward. Seeing the sheer gloom in his red eyes.
“ There’s no trace of her…” Sheik whispered, but he didn’t need to say it loud for everyone to hear him in the silent room. Murmurs pulsed about the room. Impa broke down crying.