The Unsung Hero
by Nick

The Unsung Hero, Chapter 1

"Link wake up liiiiiink" sputters the little glowing ball called navi as she bounces up and down on the young koriki boys head "wa huh who said that?" says the blond pointy eared boy clad in green as he scans his small teahouse to find the source of the sound "up here link you were having a bad dream or something I was getting worried" then link looks up at the perpetual floating ball of light. at the sight he lets out a loud yelp and falls off his bed and lands in a pile of sheets. "who, who are you?" says link as he recovers from his fall. "oh excuse me my name is navi the great deku tree has sent me to find you he needs you too come see him immediately" "What the great deku tree has summoned me well why didn't you say so come on lets go!"

As they run to the edge of the treehouse they are greeted by a fair green haired koriki girl named saria she is one of links only friends. "Saria hey guess what ive been sumoned by the great deku tree" "Wow link that is so great and you got a fairy looks like things are going up for you but if your going too see the deku tree you might have some trouble mido is telling some story of monsters and he's not letting anyone in with out a sword and shield." pipes out the little koriki girl. "wow that sucks do you know whare i can get that stuff?" "well i heard a rumor that the forighn trader has a shield in his shop but i cant help with the sword sorry." " thats ok saria i got to go" "ok bye link" then navi says "link lets hurry"

"What do you mean 40 rupees the sighn behind you says 20" link yells angerly at a large plump forighn man with a mustace "well the sign lies to you my friend the shield cost 40" says the plump man "well i only have 20" "Well then my friend might i intrest you in a finely crafted deku stick only 20 rupees" "it looks just like a stick" "no no no it is a beutiful weapon" "no siriously it looks like something that grows on my house" then a voice rings out from behind the counter "Perelski sell him the stupid shield" a small boy in a white tunic pops up from underneath the counter then the shop owner says "You imp get back to cleaning my shop!!!" "perelski no one buys from you any way besides its a umm.... a koriki holiday"

"oh yeah what holiday it be you imp" the boy becomes lost in thought as he looks around the room for insperation he spots a girl standing in the corner playing with her fairy and the first thing he noticed was her pointy ears "ummm...... the pointy eared solstice yeah thats it its a tradition to sell stuff at half price do you belive that?" "hmmm well ok but only becouse your pointy ears make me laugh you can get the shield for half price 20 rupees." link says "well wouldn't half price be 10 rupees?" then the young boy interupts "hes joking perelski here its on me im taking a break lets go kid" he says as he pushes link out the door.

"so kid whats your name?" "oh me my name is link, yours?" "sae"

"well sae thanks for buying the shield" "no prob by the way why do you need it you gonna go fight some evil" "actually im going to visit the great deku tree" sae jumps up excitedly "That my friend is what i was hoping you'd say that you see i want to visit the great deku tree to and get away from perelski for an hour so im gona go with you" "why should we" sputters out the little fairy navi "navi dont be rude this guy helped us out" "yeah and besides i hear you need a sword to get in these days and from the looks of it you dont have one" navi looks at him and says "and you know where to get one?" "as a matter of fact i do its mine and i hid it in the forest all you need to do is take me to the great deku tree and the sword is yours" " link side bar" says navi they walk a good distance away so that sae cant hear them "link i dont think we should this is your quest not his" "come on navi he's nice enough besides we need a sword and we owe him" "you men are all stubborn"

They walked deep into the forest following Sae step by step being careful not to step into the darkness because that is were the forest monsters can attack "hey sae are we almost there my legs hurt" "link hold on we are almost there" as they walk sae starts humming a familiar tune "dada nananena dede dedenide dedenide dede denidadena" (bet that sounds familiar) link looks up and says "hey sae what song is that" "its a song its the earliest memorie i have" "thats funny i seem to remember that song too" they both start laughing as they reach a large nareled tree with a hole at the roots

"ok link we're here now all we have to do is get on our knees and crawl" so they did and they ended up in a medow "wow sae howd you find this place?" "i keep all my stuff here away from that con artist perelski hed probly sell it" as they aproach a small wooden chest "here it is but i think im forgeting something but what" "well can i open it sae?" "i guess dont see why not" as link opens it a bright light shines out and link has to squint just to see when the light subsides link sees a small dagger shaped weapon "wow sae its beutiful" "uh oh i just remembered what i forgot" "whats that" all of a sudden the ground starts rumbleing they look over head and see a giant boulder falling from the celling " link lets get out of here link" navi screams in horor sae darts off as fast as he can link turns around and begins to run then he turns back around "oh no the sword" link dashes towrds the chest and grabs the sword and gets back as fast as he can and is barely makes it away in time just as the chest is crushed he scrambles to is feet and begins to run with the boulder close behind he can feel the dirt being flung from the boulder onto his ankles then he screeches to a halt just stopping short of a rock wall link turns around to see the boulder coming he puts his arms up as he knows his end is near as his thread of life will soon be cut the last thing to go through his mind is "sae that coward."

to be continued................

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