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The Minish Cap - Subquests

Get the Light Arrows
Before you go to Cloud Tops for the first time, fuse Kinstones with the Foreigner in Hyrule Town (you'll need a Red >> Kinstone) and a portal to Cloud Tops will appear just north of your house. Use the warp to find yourself in the Wind Tribe's communal home. Go upstairs where, sitting in bed, is Gregal, the great hero, being haunted by a ghost. Use the Gust Jar to remove the ghost and Gregal will thank you. Return later to find him in good health, and he'll give you the Light Arrows as a reward!

Get the Magic Boomerang
Throughout Hyrule there are the four Tingle Brothers (well, that term is dubious, but I digress). To get the Magic Boomerang, fuse kinstones with each of the Tingle Brothers, whom you can find in Lon Lon Ranch, Lake Hylia, Southern Hyrule Field, and Trilby Highlands. For each fusion, a tree unlocks in North Hyrule Field, where beyond the tree you can find a cave with a switch inside. Hit the four switches to make a ladder appear, which you can descend into another cave with a chest. Inside the chest waits the Magic Boomerang.

Get the Remote Bombs
After completing the Temple of Droplets, fuse kinstones with the Elder of the Minish Village. Then, go see the Minish who gave you your first bomb gag and he'll trade you your regular bombs for Remote Bombs. These special explosives can be set, and then to detonate them, hit the bomb button again. The only downside is you can only use one at a time. If you want regular bombs again, just trade back with the Minish for your old bombs.

Get the Mirror Shield
[Note: You MUST beat Vaati and save after the credits to be able to get the Mirror Shield!]
To get the Mirror Shield you must first do the Goron Quest (see below). When the Goron quest is complete, fuse Kinstones with the last Goron that arrived in the cave (it'll be a Red >> Kinstone) and Biggoron will wake up at Veil Falls. Head over to where Biggoron is at the top of Veil Falls and talk to him. Allow him to eat your shield, and come back later. Biggoron will have a shiny new Mirror Shield for you!

Goron Quest
The Goron Quest has three rewards to it. One being a Bottle, another being getting the Goron Merchant to come to Hyrule Town Square, and the other being the series of events that lead to getting the Mirror Shield (see above for details).

    [1] Find the Goron in southwest Lon Lon Ranch, who you can reach by using the various vortices and Ezlo ability to act as a parachute. Fuse Kinstones with the Goron and his buddy, the Goron Merchant, will arrive in Hyrule Town.

    [2] Now, the Goron will return to punch the wall without result. Clearly, he needs a boost. To help him out you need to track down five "Mysterious Walls" and fuse with them, to make five Gorons appear to slowly help the original Goron make his way through the cave (to the delicious rocks at its end). You can find the five Mysterious Walls hidden in diggable caves (accessible using the Mole Mitts).

    [3] But first, go to Eenie and Meenie's farm in Eastern Hills. To get there, just head south of where the Goron is, and west in the next screen. Fuse Kinstones with Eenie (to the top one) and the Goron will punch through the wall and into the cave beyond. Now, you can begin recruiting. The Mysterious Wall caves are located as follows:

      [Eastern Hills] At Eenie and Meenie's farm, just north of the two, is a cave.

      [Minish Woods] In the same area as Syrup the With's house, there is a cave just south of the stairs leading to her hut.

      [Trilby Highlands] Right before the bridge that leads to Mt. Crenel is a bridge going north. Cross it to find a cave.

      [Mt. Crenel] Next to the Hermit's cave, all the way up the Crenel Wall, is the cave you seek.

      [Lake Hylia] From the dock south of Stockwell's lake House, jump from island to island in the Lake, which leads up to the cave.

    [4] Return to the Goron Cave where the Gorons will have punched through all the way to the end. Inside you can find the Bottle and 200 Rupees in a chest. Also, you can fuse with the rightmost Goron to wake Biggoron at Veil Falls.
Dampe's Grove
After opening up the Royal Crypt, talk to Dampe and he'll be muttering a series of directions for the Lost Woods. Go there, and go Left three times, and Up three times to find a hidden grove. There open the chest to grab 200 Mysterious Shells from the contents.

Dungeon Simulation Game
After the Fortress of Winds, the house with the Ghost on top will be open for business in Hyrule Town. Inside is Simon's Dungeon Simulation Game, which involves you being dropped in a large arena filled with monsters. Initially it's just Helmasaurs, Charger Turtles, and Ropes. Once you complete that, a new crew appears, including Stalfos, Bomb-ombs, and Grey ChuChus. When you defeat the second round, a chest appears with a Heart Piece inside. Also, the little scene when you wake up from the simulation is hi-larious!

Find Houses for the Oracles!
After the Fortress of Winds, the Inn will finally open in Hyrule Town. Inside you can find the three Oracles (from the Oracles series), who are looking for homes. Fuse Kinstones with Farore (the green one) and Gorman will arrive in town. Rush over to talk to him and he'll explain his dire situation: he needs to rent his house out, but will only do so to a single female (the creep). Run back to the Oracles and offer the house to one of them. I suggest Farore, for reasons I will explain momentarily. Next, run over to the Post Office and fuse kinstones with Bremor (who's holding a 2x4), and Mutoh will begin building a house just south of the Post Office. When it's complete (enter and exit a building three times to finish it) you can offer it to another Oracle.

Now, what is the point of all this? Well, when an Oracle is housed, you can then talk to her to get a Charm, which depending on the Oracle will buff a particular aspect of yours. Nayru's Charm will boost your defense, Din's your strength, and Farore's will boost both 9making Farore the ideal choice!).

Joy Butterflys
After the Royal Crypt, you can fuse Kinstones with each of the three Oracles. By fusing with each, a Joy Butterfly will appear in one of three different places. Catch it to gain a boost to your abilities!

    [Nayru] The Joy Butterfly will appear in the Graveyard. Catching it will allow you to swim much faster.

    [Din] The Joy Butterfly will appear in the Wind Ruins. Catching it will allow you to shoot arrows much faster than before.

    [Farore] The Joy Butterfly will appear in Castor Wilds. Catching it will allow you to dig much faster than before using the Mole Mitts.

After the first dungeon you'll spot a good deal of dust on the rug next to the fruit vendor. Use the Gust Jar to remove it and return later to find that Beedle has set up shop. The fellow sells Picolyte, which you can use to find certain objects. As handy as this may seem, for the price, it is quite worthless. I advise avoiding the use of this moneysink, but that's just me.

Infinite Rupees?
Outside Link's house, dig around the left side of the "yard" to eventually uncover a shiny Red Rupee. Go inside the house and back outside to do it again. You can repeat this ad nauseum for "infinite" Rupees.

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