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The Minish Cap Walkthroughs
Chapter 2, Deepwood Shrine
From this room head up into the next. Kill the slugs that slither around the room, and then step on the buttons on the side of each of the four torches. Once all the torches are lit, a chest will appear. Snatch the small key inside and head up through the locked door you have just now unlocked.
Head around the right side of the room, killing the two slugs as they drop from the ceiling and up to the switch. Once Ezlo is done scolding you, use the R button to grab the lever and pull it as far back as it will go. Release and run across the new bridge to the mushroom. Now, this part is tricky, make sure to pull the mushroom back only as far as the dark line on the ground indicates, and when you let go it will hurl you to the other side of the room. Kill a slug that drops from the ceiling and go up to the next room.
This room is pretty cool, but be sure to avoid the mushrooms, as you can’t kill them yet, and they drop spores that slow you down, making you an easy target for them. Anyways, head right and up under the barrel’s spoke and up the stairs, stepping on the button and lighting the torch, burning away some vines. Go back past the mushroom and inside the barrel and go into the door on the left. On this side of the room head left and down and up the stairs and push the statue on one button and step on the other, lighting the torch, and burning away the last of the vines, freeing the barrel to spin. Go back down and into the barrel and stand on the left side of it, running downward until you can step through the bottom right hole and to the other side of the bottom of the room. Head left to leave the room.
In here kill the weird monster and head left and up to the mushroom. Pull it back until you reach the clean spot in the black line and let go, hurling yourself ahead to dry land. Go right and down, pushing the block ahead, making it easier to double back this way. Now head back through the tunnel and left out of the room.
Watch out for the slugs as they drop from the ceiling and kill the fly. Go to the left side of the room and push the jar on to the button and a bridge will appear. Go down and into the next room. In here, go inside the boxed in area and push/pull the statues so that they are on top of the buttons and you are in the box. Grab a small key from the chest that appears.
Back in the room with the mushroom and the block you pushed for doubling back, go through the tunnel and push the block ahead. Head around to the mushroom and pull it back all the way to the end of the black line and release. If done right, you’ll fly to the end of the room. Go up the stairs and get the dungeon map from the big chest.
Back in the barrel room, get in the barrel and stand on the right side of it, facing up, and run until you go through the door. Head right and through the locked door there. In this room go over the mushroom and use it to fly to the dry land ahead. Run to the left and step on the button, then use the bridge as room to pull that mushroom back over. On the bottom side of the room go right through the door.
In this room go over from the bottom to the left side of the room, killing slugs as you go, and run over and pull one of the statues so that it rests on the right side of the button. Then run to the other side of the room and push the other statue so that it rests on the button. Go up.
Kill the three enemies in this room and get the small key. Go left to be back in a familiar room. Go up the stairs to the next room. Jump down and go left under the tunnels. Kill the enemies and take the stairs at the top of the room down. Kill the fly here and push the center-right pot on top of the button. Then, for the big chest, push the right box up and the left box to the left. Grab the compass from the big chest and return to up stairs. Head left this time out of the room.
Avoid the mushrooms here (killing some with the few pots in the room if you so choose) and head through the locked door to face… a Mini Boss!
Lanmolas is quite easy. Just hit him in the nose then run around and hit the heart that appears out of his tail a few times. Three rounds and he’s down for the count. And, your reward for this gallantry is a Gust Jar!
"The Gust Jar is a neat tool. Hold down the button to suck in air, and let go to shoot out a blast of air plus whatever you sucked in. You can use this beauty to clean the pollen from this dungeon."
Go back to the right room and use the Jar to remove the pollen, revealing a few buttons that in turn reveal two chests with two sets of 10 Mysterious Shells and a warp portal next to that Heart Piece. You can also use the Jar to kill those mushrooms by pulling them until they turn gray, releasing them and then killing them with your sword.
"Mysterious Shells? Oh no! We’re on Kohilint Island!"
Return to the Lanmolas room and use the Jar to pull the webs off the wall to reveal a door going down. In this nook you can grab your first Heart Piece! Now, head back to the room filled with pollen and head down to the barrel room. Push the block left and use the Jar to clear the pollen. You’ll reveal a button that stepping on reveals a chest with 10 Mysterious Shells inside. Get in the barrel and use the Jar to pull that web off of the hole. Step on it and you’ll fall through. Now use the Jar to pull the lily pad over to you. Step on it and use the jar to navigate down and through the opening on the right side of the room. Then, navigate over to the stairs and go up them. Push a pot onto the switch to open the gate and get back on the lily pad and navigate past where the gates were and up to the next room.
You’ll find yourself in a familiar room and navigate the lily pad all the way left to the end of the water. Grab the small key from the chest and return to the fork in the road when you went right. Instead this time go up and to the left and jump off the lily pad and up through the locked door.
Use the Gust Jar to launch yourself from mushroom to mushroom, eventually reaching the big chest and grabbing the Big Key from inside. Then go right and step on the button, revealing a portal. Go through the red portal and find yourself in the very first room of the dungeon. Step on the blue portal to grab that out of reach Heart Piece and return through the portal to the first room. Use the jar to remove the webs and go up the left stairs. Push the block under the chest and open said chest for 20 Rupees. Now go down stairs and up the right set.
Use the Jar on the mushroom to get to the left side of the room and then to the Big Door. Go through the Big Door and face the Boss, Big ChuChu!
This Boss is very simple, just tricky to avoid. Use the Gust Jar to pull the jelly from out under him and his head will teeter and eventually fall to one side. Slash at the head under it gets back up. Repeat three more times and the Earth Element and Heart Container are yours for the taking. Go through the Green portal and you’ll exit the dungeon.