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The Minish Cap Walkthroughs
Chapter 4, Cave of Flames

Head left into a room full of what appear to be Bomb-ombs. Use your shield to bump each once, then a second time to stop their thrashing so they can explode in piece. Use the last one (by picking it up) to blow the cracked wall on the north wall. Go up.

In this room use your shield to flip the spike turtles and then two slashes will do them in. Grab the Compass from the big chest that appears and head left.

In this room you can go for the green rupees, but that will call forth a Like-Like with a rupee hanging out as bait. Very sneaky. Kill it and go downstairs.

Avoid the Bomb-ombs (yeah we’ll be calling them that) and head left until you go up a ladder. From here walk around the right then down and right again to the next room, dealing with the Red ChuChus as you go. As Ezlo suggests, jump in the Mine Cart and enjoy the ride that ends with you smashing through a wall and running down two unsuspecting Keese. Head left until you enter a room with multiple Helmasaurs darting about. Dispatch all of them to a make a shrink portal appear. Use it and head through the top right hole. Head left twice, past the unsuspecting turtles and down past the mine cart that brought you to this corner of the dungeon.

Did somebody say aside??
"Don’t worry, we’ll be coming back to that Heart Container soon enough."

In this smoky room go around the left side (you can go down the stairs) and just down the gap in the fence. Navigate around the flames and use the portal to grow up. Use your sword to put out the fires and to dispatch the two Red ChuChus that make an appearance. Go up the stairs and get the Map from the big chest. Head back downstairs and cross the lava blocks quickly to get to the chest. Grab the Blue L Kinstone from the chest and hit the button.

Now head right and down across the lava platforms, making sure to use the Gust Jar to remove the pots that would get in your way. Head left through the door at the bottom of the room. In this room get on the platform and jump off it on the other side the second you get a chance. For the slugs, when you hit them with your sword they go immobile, so use those few seconds to grab one with the Gust Jar and either cast it in the lava, or fill the holes. You’ll need to do that to the top on to proceed (for that hit it with the sword and push it into place) and the chest will yield 50 Rupees if you wish to get to it.

Now go up the stairs. Jump into the vortex and ride it down to the second one, then ride that one around the corner to safety. Go up the stairs and step on the button to open the door. Push the protruding block up and push the chest on the peg left until it fill the hole. Grab the small key from the chest. Head up.

Head left and jump back in the Mine Cart. At the end of the line, open the locked down and hit the track switch in the next room. Get back on the cart and ride it to the north half of that corner of the dungeon. Go up.

Jump in the hole so the blades go over you. Jump out when it’s safe, then bait the left two to deploy. When its safe cross the bridge, dispatching the Keese as you go, head over to the pots and blow the cracked wall. Go down and get that Heart Piece you saw earlier.

Go back and up to the next room. Jump off the ledge and a group of Silver ChuChus will surround you. Run to a corner and slash away until they are all dead. When victory is yours a chest will appear with the Cane of Pacci in it. Head left.

Did somebody say aside?? "The Cane of Pacci is a great tool that nominally flips things over. You can also use it to fill holes with energy and use the holes to jump up to ledges!"

In this room step on the first lava block and shoot the second with the Cane. Head over to the hole and shoot it with the Cane and step in it to be hurled up to the ledge. Step on the button and head down. Here, use the cane to flip the Cart and ride it to the end of the line. Push the peg chest into the hole, claiming a small key from it and then turn around and ride the Mine Cart back to the blades room. Head up and jump down the ledge. Open the locked door and go downstairs.

Here shrink down using the portal and traverse the blades heading left. In the next room make your way to the portal and grow up. Double back through the maze, dodging the traps by stepping aside in the nooks of the block maze. Flip the cart and ride it back to the last room. Now switch the track do it points down and ride the cart again. When you disembark use the four slugs to fill in the four holes on the bottom of the room. Cross the filled gaps and pull out the switch on the peg and navigate it into the hole in the north of the room. Hit the switch and head through the gate, up the stairs, and up.

On the ledge jump off the north edge towards the chest, claiming a Blue \ Kinstone. Jump down and use the Cane on the hole to jump up to the chest, wherein lies a Green < Kinstone. Jump back down and head right.

This room is very tricky. Head across the lava block and flip the one going up and down, first ride it up and step on the switch to activate the red portal (so you can come back here easily). Now, you need to make your way from block to block going down and right and up across the five up-down blocks and up to the next room. Very tricky!

In this next room jump down off the ledge and head right. Here avoid the three green blades as they move, and at the end of the trap there is a chest with a Green [ Kinstone inside. Return back and use the Cane on the top hole and jump up and down to the left side of the room. Use the Cane on the hole to jump up to the vortex, float up to the ledge. Head right to the next Vortex and jump in. Float down to the ledge across the gauntlet. Head left and down back to the tricky room.

Now use the Vortices to fly around to each one and then to the middle platform. From here continue on making a brief stop to the bottom left corner of the room to get the Green / Kinstone from the chest. Use the Cane on the hole to get back up to the Vortex and float north. Hit the Vortex ahead and then float to the platform north of that where the big chest waits. And, inside that big chest, is the Big Key! Jump down off the north side and use the lava platform to reach the Big Door. Unlock it with the Big Key and head inside, big time, to face the Boss: Gleerok!

Gleerok is a tough guy, but the trick to defeating him is to use the Cane on his shell, flipping it over and stabbing him. He’ll pass out a bit, allowing you to run across his neck and stab him in the back a few times. The problem with him is he sprays fire all around the room, making it hard to get to his back in time and thus hard to get the max amount of hits in that you could otherwise. As such, it took my six rounds to finish him off. Also, as a tip, remember that the fires he lights on the ground, when extinguished, may produce hearts, so if you catch on fire, run through a wide swath of them, thus producing hearts and clearing a path to double back.

When the battle is done, the Fire Element and a Heart Container are yours for the taking.

Now you can head back to Melari and get your brand-spanking new White Sword and get the hell off of Mt. Crenel!

Hyrule Adventures 2! Stop playing Zelda. Start living it!

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