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The Minish Cap Walkthroughs
Chapter 7, Of Dues and Droplets

First things first, toot on your new Ocarina to summon Zeffa. You’ll immediately open a screen allowing you to teleport to all the Windcrests you’ve previously smashed to bits (or,a t least you should have). You’ll notice though there is one windcrest that you can fly to that you did not open yourself: Lake Hylia. So, fly there and shrink down in the stump. Go into the mushroom house and talk to the Minish inside. Seems only the Minish known as Librari, who (get this!) lives in a Library, is the only one who knows to how to get there.

Therefore, fly back to Hyrule Town and head to your local library. Inside pass the receptionists (be sure to read the bulletin board for a quick laugh) and head left and outside the library. Shrink down and return into the building. Climb the shelf to find yourself in a tiny scene. Here, a few blue Library Minish are occupied bemoaning that some heartless Hyrulian has checked out a book, making it impossible to reach Librari at this time. I guess that means it’s up to you to track down that book.

Therefore, grow up and talk to the left receptionist, who informs you that some girl with a cat took out the book. So, head north to the fountain and fill your bottle with water (you’ll find out why in a second) and head to the southeast section of town. There will be two blue houses near the Cucco pen with a plank between them. Go into the right house and Ezlo will have an epiphany. Read the note on the table and head to the left house. Talk to the girl (who is apparently to lazy to go in here own house?) and put out the fireplace with your bottle.

Flip the jar with your cane and shrink down. Go in the fireplace and cross to the next house. Here be wary of the cat that will attack you in your mouse-like form. Climb up the bookshelf and push the book down. Make your way back to the jar and grow up. Head over and pick up the book!

Now, return to library and give the book to the librarian. She’ll tell you your next quarry. Go grab some more water, and then head to the Café and use the Cane to shrink down. Exit the Café using the hole in the sw corner of the room. Head south and west across the bridge. Go up and talk to the dog so he’ll move (for easier passage next time around) and run back to the Café. Grow up. Now go in the house the dog was standing next to. Inside is Dr. Left, a character from the Oracle series. Ignore him and push the rightmost bookshelf to the left to reveal a hole in the wall and put out the fireplace with the bottle. Leave the house and go south to the sawmill (with the Carpenter’s inside) and use the shrink jar there to miniaturize.

Go back to Dr. Left’s house and go in the fireplace. You’ll be outside on the roof of the house, so head up and right into the Foreigner’s House. Go through the north hole in the wall inside. From the backyard go right, down, and right across the bridge. Here, mad dash through the two cats, which will slash you for one heart damage every time they catch you, so be careful! Go down the vine and into the hole in the wall at the fountain.

Kill the slugs here and take the door on the right, make your way through the enemies and up the ledge using the Cane on the pit in the floor. In the next room, kill the four Spinners, and a big chest will appear. Inside are the Power Bracelets, which conveniently allow you to push big things even when small! Now, leave the fountain and make your way back to Dr. Left’s House.

In the house again, push both bookcases to the left to make a path to the hole in the wall above the fireplace. Climb up to it and go inside. You’ll be on the rafter’s above the room. Equip the Gust Jar and suck away to the dust to reveal split tiles. Do as much with them and head to the right of the rafters. Step on the edge of the book dangling off the rafter, and it will fall to the floor. Go back to the mill, grow, and grab that book. Drop it off at the Library for your last assignment.

Head to Hagen’s house and inside use the Pegasus Boots to knock the masks off the wall, opening the way to a hole in the wall above. Use the jar to shrink and go into that hole. Talk to the Minish outside to find where the book is (it will be marked on your map). Head to Syrup the Witch’s house now (as grown up of course).

Before the Hut is a dirt door which you can tunnel through using the Mole Mitts. Do so, and head north until you reach a ladder. On the surface, head right until you find a house. Go behind it and ram the tree there using the Pegasus Boots to create a shrink stump Shrink down and cross the path behind the house into the house, suing the Gust Jar with the lily pad to cross the water.

Inside the house, get to the right bookshelf, pushing it towards the fireplace. Climb the ladder you reveal and push the book down to the ground. Backtrack and grow up, and then get the book from the house. Now, you can use the Ocarina to return to Hyrule Town. Give the book to the librarian, and head to the second floor of the library, shrink down as you have, and go into the bookcase.

Head up the left books and then right and down to the green book. Inside is Librari, who you can talk to, to be sent on your way to get the Flippers. When the conversation is done, he’ll drop you in the dungeon below. Push the blocks aside so you can head down. Kill the slugs and use the Gust Jar to pull the Mushroom to you can propel across the water.

Go left and up into the next room. Once you kill the two mean looking bugs that attack, a big chest will appear. Inside are the Flippers. To get out of this place, hit the drink and swim down until you exit the dungeon. Go onto shore (you can go on the right side of the river and up the ladder to the Library roof, where you can grow there) and grown up. Use the Ocarina to travel to Lake Hylia and head north when you land. At the house, head right and down into the lake. Swim down and left until you find the ice patch in the water. Swim up to it and you’ll jump in, and into the Temple of Droplets.

Hyrule Adventures 2! Stop playing Zelda. Start living it!

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