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Legend of Zelda
Items List

This is a special rupy that counts as five rupies. Note that the five rupies are solid blue and do not flash.

This is an arrow, the projectile launched by a Bow. The Arrows can be purchased at a shop for 80 Rupies.

This a Blue Candle, the first candle you can buy at a shop for 60 Rupies. The Blue Candle can only cast one flame.

This is a Bomb, a special item that you can use to blow open holes in walls and damage enemies. Bombs can be bought at any shop.

This is a Boomerang, a item that you can throw to stun other enemies. The Boomerang is a very helpful weapon with dealing with stronger enemies.

This is a Bow, an item you can use to launch Arrows at enemies. The Bow can be found in the first dungeon in the top left part of the dungeon.

This is the blue potion, a special potion that you can drink to completely refill you health. The Blue Potion can be bought from any Old Lady in Hyrule.

This is the Blue Ring, one of the most handy items in the game because it reduces your damage to half! This can be bought at the "expensive shop" for 250 Rupies.

This is a clock, a item that cannot be bought, but appears randomly. It freezes all enemies on screen so you can kill them with ease.

This is a fairy, a small little creature that can be found at Fairy Fountains and dropped by monsters. The fairy refills several hearts.

This is a small heart that can found when you kill enemies. The Heart refills one heart container when picked up.

This is a Heart Container. Five of these are scattered throughout Hyrule and eight can be found after killing the dungeon bosses.

This is a Key, a small and simple items that can be bought for 100 Rupies or found in dungeons. They open doors.

This is the letter. It can be gotten by an old man that lives in the upper right corner of Hyrule. The Old Ladies will pay attention to you with this.

This is a map. An item that can be found in the dungeons and reveal the specific map of the dungeon in the top left corner of your screen.

This is the Magical Boomerang, an item that reaches twice as far as the normal Boomerang. It can be found in the second dungeon.

This is the Meat. It can be used to DRAW monsters to you and it is necessary to complete a certain puzzle in the seventh dungeon. It can be bought for 60 Rupies.

This is the Magical Key, a skeleton key of sorts that can open every single key requiring door in the game.

This is the Magical Shield, a larger than normal shield that can repel fireballs. Beware, because Like Likes eat them!

This is the Magical Sword, the most powerful sword of the game. It can be found in the Graveyard in the top right screen of the area.

This isa the power bracelet. It can be found under a Armos Knight east of the graveyard. It can be used to utilize the "warping system" of Zelda 1.

This is the ladder, a item necessary for getting over certain rivers and streams. It gives you access to the western part of Hyrule more easily.

This is the raft, an item especially necessary for getting into the fourth dungeon. Just step onto a dock and you'll whiz to the other side.

This is a red candle. It is basically the more powerful version of the blue candle and it can set multiple fires to one screen.

This is the Magical Rod, it basically serves no purpose other than to launch a magical beam across the screen. That's ALL it does.

This is the red potion. It is basically two blue potions in one and it can be used twice instead of once.

This is the Red Ring. It cuts your damage to one fourth! It can be found in the very last dungeon, Ganon's Lair.

This is a Rupy, an important item needed to buy items in the game from shops and other places. Rupies can be found practically anywhere.

This is a Silver Arrow, the upgraded version of the normal arrow. It is necessary for defeating Ganon, the last boss.

This is the Wooden Sword, the first item you should find in the game. It is found in the cave in the same screen that you start from.

This is a Triforce Piece. It can be found at the end of the any of the eight dungeons. The pieces together make the Triforce of Wisdom.

This is the Recorder, it can destroy certain enemies and summons whirlwinds. It can be found in the fifth dungeon.

This is the White Sword, the second sword in the game. You need five heart containers to get it. It can be found in one of the Northern most screens of Hyrule.

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