The Caption Game is TDC's classic interactive feature. Here, you can submit a humorous caption to the screenshot below. When submitting use the submission form below, or you can send your caption in an email to webmaster [at] desertcolossus [dot] com. Remember when submitting, that any captions considered inappropriate or vulgar will not be posted, as will off-topic or spam submissions.
As Link shows off the fish he just caught, what does Hena, his fishing teacher, say?
Past Caption Games | Mid September 2008 through mid November 08 | July 2008 through mid September 08 | May 2008 through July 08 | February 2007, Part 2 to May 2008 | February 2007, Part 1 | December 2006 | November 2006 | October 2006, Weeks 3-4 (7th Bday Contest Edition) | October 2006, Weeks 1-2 | September 2006, Weeks 3-4 | September 2006, Weeks 1-2 | August 2006, Weeks 4-5 | July 2006, Weeks 3-4 | July 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Late May/Early June 2006 | Late June 2006 | Late May/Early June 2006 | April 2006, Weeks 3-4 | April 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Mar 2006, Weeks 3-4 | Mar 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Feb 2006, Weeks 3-4 | Feb 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Jan 2006, All | Dec 2005, Weeks 3-4 (Holiday Contest Edition) | Dec 2005, Weeks 1-2 | mid-October 2005 - end-November 2005 | October 2005, Weeks 1-2 | September 2005, Weeks 3-4 | September 2005, Weeks 1-2 | August 2005 | July 2005, Weeks 3-4 | July 2005, Weeks 1-2 | June 2005 | May 2005, Week 4 | May 2005, Weeks 1-3 | April 2005, Weeks 3-4 | April 2005, Week 2 | April 2005, Week 1 | March 2005 |
This Caption Game is closed. Please check out the current Game if you'd like to participate!
The Best of the Bunch! (In order of hilarity)
Hena: You might wanna put that fish back link. telling from the tattos and it holding a switch blade under it's fin...
Matt B
Hena: I dont think I should have let Link use the magic speaking stone as bait...
Thus was the beginning of the mounted, singing bass.
Hena: great, our first date and ware do we go... fishing. *sigh*
Hena: He may have caught the the fish, but he's my real catch of the day. *wink wink nudge nudge*
Hena: I thought I asked for chicken!
The return of t3hm00nbabyz
Hena: That expression on Link's face... Shock? Recognition?
That fish from TWW: Please to be putting me down now!
Lokes: Please laugh of my hug comments! PLEASE!
Hena: mmmmmmhmm?
Hena: He's not looking...this is my chance...just push him out and I'll be rid of this doofus!
Hena: i hope he's a matser fisherman when twighlight princes comes oout
Hena: Wow! This is a REAL sucker.
Hena:Yeah, It sucks onto the lure like glue.
Hena: I wonder if Link knows the world is going to be destroyed...
Hena: flowers would of done the trick, even chocolates. but no i get a fish!!!!!!
Hena: It will taste great with some butter...
Dave Grable
Hena: Lucky moron. Does he even have a girlfriend??
kokiri guy #2
Hena: so when I was there I needed t..............HEY PAY ATTINTION!!
Attack of the Hiller Polka Dots
Hena: He's so hot!! No, not Link, the fish!
Hena: Wow! That's a real lunker!Lets see,it weighs about 3000 million pounds.Do you want to keep it?
Hena: Is he going to stare at that fish all day, or are we going to eat it!?!
Link: (In Gollum's voice) The rock and pool is nice and cool so juicy SWEET!!! Our only wish is to catch a fish so juicy SWEET!!!
Omen Ra
Hena: Tee hee, i hope link knows that those fish give you tape worms! MWAH HAH HA
Link: I think i will give this to Zelda, she will be sooooooo HAPPY!
phantom is back... again?
Hena: He's watching this fish for a long time...
Hena: So tell me, how did you say this was going to help you save Hyrule?
Link:......, ....... ... .... ....... .....;
..... .......!!!
Hena:Oh I get it, who would have thought it was that important
Hena: Link looks high.
Link: Fishy...fishy...
Smelly feet
Link: Not even the fish can resist me!
Hena: Actually, they can't resist my perfume as bait. Darn you, Link!
Link: I would've used my cologne, but...
Hena: Oh, I don't need you to tell me why you didn't use that!
The End
Hena: The final battle has been fought! We have caught the twilight princess, who conveniently turns into a fish outside the twilight realm. I, Princess Hena, subbing in for Zelda, and Link the hero have saved Hyrule!
Hena: He looks so happy, I wonder how he'll feel when I tell him I lost the paddle.
Dampe Dude
Hena: *GASP!*
Link: *Napoleon Dynamite voice* Hey, Hena, I caught you a delicious bass...
Spazztic Bunny Hood
Hena: Heh...heh...heh... Little does he know that I set up that robotic fish to make newbies like him feel better about themselves... Boy he's going to get a surprise at the dinner table...
Emerald Wind
Hena: long is he going to stare at that fish...
Fire with fire
Hena: I say Link, with that hot, sexy blondie look about you, you're quite a "catch" are'nt you?
Wingless angel
Hena thinking:HOT,HOT,HOT.....STUUUUUUF! LINK IS SOOOO DIN-DAMN HOT!! Even being his fishing teacher is hard.....
Hena: well done. theres bigger ones in the lake though.
Hena: Ya know. you're not gonna exactly sneak up on the bad guys with that awful fish smell!
Link: Have you seen where they live!
Hena: Man is he stupid! But he is dreamy...
Hena: Now I can teach how to catch a different kind of fish...
Hena: *sarcastically* Wow. A fish. I'll try to contain my excitement.
Morty Mole
Hena: Your'e So Cool
Hena: Why the hell did you get a damn fish 4.
Hena: I've taken a bigger @$#! than that, Link.
Hena: the fish isn't on the hook.....oh well
Hena: Great, Link. Now let's try catching your own fish.
Zelda Chronicler
Hena: Why doesn't he look at me like that?
Farore's Fire
Hena: Oh, geez... I thought the giant mutant fish were gone from the lake by now! There goes the business...
new link
Hena: oh sure i never catch anyting and this jerk just pops up and catches a newly discoverd speiccies Wait a second who are the scientists going to believe HAHAHAHA!
Xyana the Arrow
Hena: I'll bet if I push him off, that chainmail will make him sink.
Hena: What would chuck norris do?
Julie the Goddess
Hena: Link, geez, pay some attention to ME for a change...
Hena: So... do you ever talk at all
Hena:Hey! answer me!!
Link:*startled* ................!!!!
Hena: forget it...
Hena: hey, now we all know that he is wearing something under that skirt.
Hena: wow, that fish is almost as wierd looking as he is!
Hena: That better not be my thong.
Hena: Big ears, big eyes, big fish... you know what they say about guys with big stuff... hmm...
Hena: Is there a point to all this fishing?! What are we gonna do wif all deese fish?! huck 'em at ganondorf and hope he has a seafood allergy?!
Hena: sweet. when he ain't lookin, I'll stuff that fish down his pants!
Hena: Oops! that was supposed to be a thought bubble.
tragic bubbles
Hena: man link sure is dreamy too bad he loves zelda,malon and whats her face.[sigh]
Hena: The new Enlon corperation down the road must be dumping their watses in the river again.
Hena: Oh well, at least he didn't catch MY hat.
Hena: Lucky fish...
Hena: It will taste great with some butter...
Hena: *drool*(I love my job)*gets ready to attempt stealing the fish... after she can help to stop staring at Link's butt*
Hena: Fish are evil...
Hena: FINNALY we can go home and go pee......... I mean cook it yea that is it.
Nayru Goddess of Wisdom
Hena: Gods is he hot when he's not cel-shaded.
Hena: Hey Link, why don't u accually say something to express your joy!
Hena: I wonder if his thing is as big as that fish...
Hena: I wonder if he's gonna eat it?
Hena: Now if he would only use the pole next time we would be in business.
Hena: OMG! that fish has tatoos! Its tougher than link.
Hena: Link!! The Camera is looking up your skirt!
Hena: ALL of that waiting was paid off by a tatooed fish?!
Hena: .....
Hena: That fish is bigger than ganon's nose!!
Hena: ... Those graphics are pretty cool...
Hena: 'M back hurts. And I have a hole in my boat. And my paddle broke... Somebody buy me an ice cream...
Link: Someone appears to have wrote on the fish... "Link 'heart' Zelda"... Oh yeah! That's right! Heh heh. Heh. *lets go of fish*
Hena: Give that bass to me know you want to...come on...It'll only be a little slap...
Don Vito
Hena: I hope Link realizes that fish gives him gas...
Ana Ng
Hena: I wonder if he knows that's a piranha...
uh, yeah?
Hena: I've crapped bigger things that than. @!#$ amateur.
Hena: I never knew link could look so hot from this angle!!!
Hena: Heck, if he thinks that's a biggest fish in the sea, he's darn wrong about that!
kirby comix v2
Hena: WAIT! How is itholding on the hook isn't even in its mouth!!!!
Gimme a Break
Hena: Fire fart! Is that one of your new attacks?
Sage of Storms
Hena: Whoah! That's gotta be a new record! Where's the pictobox?
Hena: Even the fish can't resist you!
#1 with a bullet
Hena: This fish will explode in...5...4...3...2...1! *Boom!*
Nayru GOddess of Wisdom
Hena: Isn't supposed to be saving the world or something?
Hena: He can catch a fish, but he can't catch a hint.
Hena: What kind of decorated fish is that?
Majora's mask
Hena: why is he so happy?
LoZ:LA narrator: You got a lunker!
Hena: don't eat my pet! put him back! all these fish are mine!
Hena: All right! Tonight I feast!
Hena: look, up in the sky! its a bird! oo! over there is a squirrel! and in links hand is a...FISH?!?! NOOOOO! WHY THE LITTLE FISHY?!?!*starts crying* oh well, free lunch!
princess of kito village
Hena: Sure it is big, but keep in mind that we aren't fishing, we are looking for Ruto.
Julie the Goddess
Hena: Link, for Goddesses sake, pay more attention to ME!!!
Komali freak
Hena: If I push him in the water maybe I could get away with that fish...
Hena: Was he making fun of me when he said hi this morning?He said,"Hi Hena."it sounded like he said,hiena.If he did,i'm gonna knock his teeth out!
lord of all dragons
Hena: Should I tell him that the fish is poisonous when he eats it? Nah...
Hena: he knows were not going to eat the fish,right?
Hena: Good Good now lets try catching it without you shooting it with an arrow.
Hena: huge fish and he gets all cocky...
Hena: That pattern is too perfect to be natural. It's like my whole life has been completely animated, or something!...nah, I'm just overreacting.
Hena: Not bad. Took you the entire day, but not bad!
Hena: Link needs to pull his skirt down, good thing he's wearing tights!
Hena: You know what they say about men with big fish...
Hena: crap! hes better than me!
Hena: Wow, Link! What kind of bait did you use? ... Hey, wait a second! Where's Navi?
Hena: He's a keeper.... yes, definately a keeper.
Hena: At least he didn't use my hat like he did with the other guy!
Hena: does he know that hes fishing in private property and hasent seen the owner coming over?
Hena: Teach a man to fish and he'll brag about his first catch for hours...
Hena: hey!
Hadnt you always wondered if he weared something under that skirt?
Hena: Why do fishes have swirly things on them?
Hena: Throw it back, its as small as they come...
Kokiri kid
Hena: Boy, he sure used to much starch in his laundry...
The Sage of Nothing!
Hena: It may be a lunker, but it ain't the Hylian Loach.
new link
Hena: oh sure I never catch anything and this guy discovers a new species (sees harpoon) wait i`ve got an idea hahhahahahaHA!
Zelra Dragmire
Hena, the ever supportive friend: That's it? I've caught bigger fish with my butt!
Hena: His butt is perfect for me.
Hena: Thats better than I can do, I can barely lift a two pounder.
Hena: I have been sitting for hours! Why cant we just eat it?! It is probably dry by now!
Hena: It is as big as my butt!
Too bad for Illia
Hena: All these feelings...these feelings of love...they rush through my heart like the river we fish upon...
Kitomo Himekawa
Hena: Oh, great! This time he caught one! NOW how am I gonna get paid?!
Hena: Link, you need a cool fishing hat like me.
Hena: You like me as your FISHING TEACHER!?
1080 SpinAttack
Hena: This was supposed to be a romantic boat ride, but all he cares about is his stupid fish!
Hena: Good. Now throw that little thing back so we can move on to the BIG fish.
Hena: Nice bass, Link. You must work out!
Link: It was thiiiiis big.
Hena: Wow, it's just a fish.
Hena: umm...that's the first time I've seen a fish caught on the lure, not the hook...
Hena: There's a first time for everything...
Hena: I wish he was my boyfriend
Hena: I wonderif I should tell him NOW that his tunic is ripped?
Hena: Hey! I'm 'quite a catch', too!
Richard Hinman
Hena: I could use a hat like that.
Hena: That's a pretty big catch, but um... did you just stick your hand in the water? The fish isn't even on the hook! And lower arm's wet, too!
Hena: the worlds in peril and your fishing!!!
Hena: sniff, sniff,...
Is that you or the fish?
Hena: He caught a fish, but I caught a man hehehe -about to hit link with a oar-
Hena: Stop staring at it,I want it for lunch!
Hena: *singing* I love candy, it's such a pretty site. Makes the food taste dandy but my tummy hurts all night...
manig monkey
Link: Hey look how HUGE this fish is!
Hena: (mishearing) Oh No! are you sure we're not going too fast???
Hena: I wonder if he'll notice the "kick me" sign on his back?
M Warrior
Hena: I never thought about this but he is hot! I need to find a man anyway.
Link: Huh, did you say something?
Hena: Oh nothing...
Link: Whatever...
Hena: He will be mine one day...
Hena: *Hmph* Beginner's luck!
Link: Excuse me?!
Hena: .......................What?!
Link: .....................
Hi no Seijin
Hena: I wonder if Link has lice.
Hena: There's goes that creepy banjo music and faint giggling again.
Hena: Did I leave the oven on?
Hena: I could stare at that all day.
Link;(shifts uncomfortably)Why is she staring at me?
*Insert Name Here*
Hena: He stole the precious!
Hena: should i tell him he got a pirahna?...Nah!
Hena: (sarcastic voice)Wow, MY mother can get a fish bigger than that!
The Fish
Hena: Pff, that's nuthin'. Stupid amateurs. That's a minnow compared to what I've caught!
Hena: Wow...never knew someone in tights with a fish in hand could be
Hena: Da-na-na-num!
Hena: How the heck did he catch that? The hook isn't even in its mouth!
Hena: How exiting... Wait! I was gonna catch that thing!
Hena: I've never seen someone express joy by nodding...