The Caption Game

The Caption Game is TDC's classic interactive feature. Here, you can submit a humorous caption to the screenshot below. When submitting use the submission form below, or you can send your caption in an email to kamakaziplumber [at] gmail [dot] com. Remember when submitting, that any captions considered inappropriate or vulgar will not be posted, as will off-topic or spam submissions.

As he finds himself in such a strange new place, what is running through Link's head?

Past Caption Games | Mid September 2008 through mid November 08 | July 2008 through mid September 08 | May 2008 through July 08 | February 2007, Part 2 to May 2008 | February 2007, Part 1 | December 2006 | November 2006 | October 2006, Weeks 3-4 (7th Bday Contest Edition) | October 2006, Weeks 1-2 | September 2006, Weeks 3-4 | September 2006, Weeks 1-2 | August 2006, Weeks 4-5 | July 2006, Weeks 3-4 | July 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Late May/Early June 2006 | Late June 2006 | Late May/Early June 2006 | April 2006, Weeks 3-4 | April 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Mar 2006, Weeks 3-4 | Mar 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Feb 2006, Weeks 3-4 | Feb 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Jan 2006, All | Dec 2005, Weeks 3-4 (Holiday Contest Edition) | Dec 2005, Weeks 1-2 | mid-October 2005 - end-November 2005 | October 2005, Weeks 1-2 | September 2005, Weeks 3-4 | September 2005, Weeks 1-2 | August 2005 | July 2005, Weeks 3-4 | July 2005, Weeks 1-2 | June 2005 | May 2005, Week 4 | May 2005, Weeks 1-3 | April 2005, Weeks 3-4 | April 2005, Week 2 | April 2005, Week 1 | March 2005 |

The Best of the Bunch! (In order of hilarity)

Link: Maybe that restaurant wasn't such a good idea...It feels like my hearts are starting to clog....

Link: Noooo! I wanted a Mac, not a Big Mac! Ganon, you'll pay for this PC store!!

Link: There's never a Starbucks when you want one.

The Submissions

Link: Where's that Ezlo...he went in there to order a burger and hasn't come out yet!!! Maybe i should tell him we should leave, those burgers look green and kinda fabricy...

Person #666
Link: I'd like to order now, I want a number one two number twos and couple of fives, eight number threes, a spork and a dozen apple pies! Black haired guy: Hey smart one, MCdonalds is next door... Link: I still want my number two -.-'

Link: Noooo! I wanted a Mac, not a Big Mac! Ganon, you'll pay for this PC store!!

Link: .......Tingle, if this is some fairy little prank. i dont take it lightly.

u don't need to know my name...
Link: So this is Ganon's idea of Hyrule domination...a mcdonald's, a computer store and creepy stranger/stalker nerds with popcorn and strange hairdos...Nintendo's lost their touch with my games...*sighs*...guess i better save some wierd magic girl or something...again...

Link: t's okay i can outlast this game. ( 2 years later...) THE MADNESS!! THE MAADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Link: Oh no! I'm back in the Dark World!

Link: McDonalds? Geez, when I have my heart attack they'll probably replace me with that Miley Cyrus girl.

Link: oh great, what bad spin-off am I in now?

Link: ... >.<... Oh my god, PC! Overrunning games that I star in! Why doesn't it surprise me that Gates is that desperate?

Link: Whats this! Whats this! There's color everywhere!

Link: Wow, that was the best crack ever!

Link: Where's the Bass Pro Fishing Store?

Link: Those temples are dangerous...instead of hearts, I found nega-hearts!

Link: To appease the fans crying out for a change of setting, we've added a McDonalds and a PC World with a leet-speak sign!

Link: I'm at the crossroads of my life...and based on what I see here, I better get moving.

Link: It's the most epic Zelda adventure yet! Wield the lamp shade of no real significance as you take the battle to dungeons such as the fast-food temple and the PC cavern! Fight dangerous computer geeks and fat-fueled customers armed with techno babble and greasy food! Hurry, though; there isn't much time before you realize how low the Zelda series has stooped...

Link: Which one of you morons is my sidekick?

Link: I think i've been hitting it to hard on that potion again.....

Link: Whoa...what happened?All I remember is I was fighting Zant and his time warping pet spider that can also teleport people to alternate universes and...Hey look McDonald's...why am I talking to myself?

Link: There's never a Starbucks when you want one.

Link: Ba ba ba ba baaaaa, I'm lovin' it

Link: Hey, I thought I was at home, passed out on my bed eating a burger.

Link: That man over there has no pupils and there seems to be fake grass sprouting from his head. Let's talk to him.


Link: this is strange... i just found zelda working at McDonalds...

Link: That crap of a clown ripped the idea from McGorons! Anyway, I havent been eating for 22 years, so McDonalds it is!

Link: I'm made out of silicon on some fat guys hard drive. Gunna get some grub at PC World. See the connection there?

Link: McDonalds? PC world? What has Nintendo done this time?

Link: It's like some bad ,meaningles flash game made by people with nothing better to do.

Link: So THIS is what they meant by "Twilight Princess will be the last zelda game of its kind"

Link: Ha ha ha, Ganon, it is so funny I forgot to laugh. NOW FIX THE MIRROR SO I CAN COME BACK TO HYRULE!

Link: This red-haired guy is REALLY starting to freak me out.

Link: I think i might go get a job at this "McDonalds" as a mascot, dress up as a clown and call myself Ronald. hmmmm.

You'd better know my name, because I am Ashley!
Link: Was Samus just in McDonald's? I thought that was Master Chief.

Link: *yelling into the McDonald driv-thru microphone* I WANT A WHOPPER! Green-haird guy: Wrong place, dude.

Link: oh mcdonalds is there. I wondered why the kept offering me a mouse.

Link: I wonder if McDonald's is giving out computer games...

Link: maby i should have turned left

Link: Wait, I'm confused. I should go to PC World and buy a game guide.

Link: I want that guy's popcorn... Quick! My stylus!

Trading Game
Link: Maybe if I give the lamp to the guy with the popcorn, I can give up at this stupid trading game and eat the popcorn...

Link: DARN IT! I can't find Subway!

Link: Maybe if I ignore it long enough, it'll go away...

Link: According to the smell, the right store sells bombs. Yes, time to blow my way into the World of PC, whoever that is.

Link: Why did I warp here?

Link: Dude.... three words: Worst Zelda Ever

Link (to the green-haired guy: "Do you happen to be related to Saria?"

Link: The Crossroads of Destiny my A**!

Link: I'm looking for a sidekick! Can anyone here morph into a shadow, fit in my hat, or become a hat?

Link: All right,which one of you morons is my new sidekick?

Link: Finally, they updated the towns to look like current times. Now can I destroy them?

Link: nintendo better not show this at e3...

Link: Wait...McDonalds was to the right...Oh dang.

Link: Maybe that restaurant wasn't such a good idea...It feels like my hearts are starting to clog....

Goddess of the Triforce of Balance
Link: Badda ba ba ba, I'm lovin it.

Link: ...Where am I? I should probably ask Ezlo..

Link: ...Navi?


Spazztic Bunnyhood
Link: ...I think Tingle deceiphered my map wrong...

Link: Have I been re-casted as Ash Ketchum?

Link: This is where in-game advertising goes TOO far...

Link: *looking at McDonalds* Whoa, talk about a toxic waste dump. *looks over to PC World* Whoa, talk about a waste of money. *looks over to green-haired guy* Whoa, talk about a-

Green-haired dude: Would you stop saying that?

Link: Whoa, what a waste of breath.

Green-haired dude: <_<

Link: I feel like I'm going to puke!

Link: Aww crap, I knew a life affecting discicion SOMEWHERE in this trip...

Link: that lamp is starting to look very friendly

Link: I sure hope nobody makes a caption game out of this screen shot. All the hours people would waste trying to come up with something that could follow up Saber's entry... (shivers)

Life of love
Link: Hmm, Wth are these pple thinking???!!! Ganon reaks havoc and still, pple are buying freaking happy meals!

Link: Ba da ba ba ba...I'm hatin' it!

Link's observer
Link: Where am I? I want MY EZLO!

Link: emo ppl, computers, and a McDonalds *shudders*

Link: I'm laying off that chatue romani before bed time...

Link: Oooh! Is it Wednesday and/or Sunday yet?

The Great Moblin is a large Moblin that can speak and leads a large amount of Moblins in the Oracle series. Before Link's adventures in the lands of Holodrum and Labrynna began, the Great Moblin controlled a vast and powerful criminal and trading syndicate. However, he soon found utter ruin in both of his lands of operation during the course of Link's travels.

The TDC Forums! Post something, will ya?

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